The History and Grave Error of Religious Nazism
I got onto this kick when someone criticized how much America has disintegrated since World War II's noble "Greatest Generation" stopped the Nazis. "They did not stop the Nazis," I responded. "They only defeated their armies. The ruling Nazi families are still controlling the main governments and industries and financial institutions. America's disintegration is the result of their continued internal attack. It is all part of the Nazi religion."
In short, the Nazi religion holds that there are superior people who are descended from the gods and inferior people who are but animals. They, of course, are the superior race, and the animal races are rightfully slaves. I know this not from reading about Nazism, but from reading Gerald Massey's discourses about the myths of Egypt and Col. J. Garnier's The Worship of the Dead or the Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry and Its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia. Early Babylonia and Egypt are the sources of the German religion that some people descend from the gods and other people are ascending from the lower, animal parts of the earth.
Nazism is an outgrowth of the doctrines of Cush, Nimrod and Rhea: the gods the Sun, the Moon, and Fire. And that is the problem: these are false gods and the false doctrines of a false religion. There is a basic truth to the Babylonian and Egyptian myths: there are people from the heavens and people from the earth. But the error is . . . they are not separate! ALL people are made up of the two: a human person and a heavenly-sourced spirit or consciousness. Superior people use their imagination and motivation and are disciplined. Inferior people, as we judge them, are ignorant of their imagination and are unmotivated and undisciplined. But EVERY ONE is host to the spirit of God. Our weakness is only in our ignorance.
We see this in the modern religions. The books have been modified and/or misread to posit a separation between the sacred and the profane: "God is in Heaven and cannot look upon evil mankind, so Jesus has to advocate for man to God who is so far off that angels have to ferry messages and reports back and forth to him." The myths have been taken to be literal! My God, what could be more stupid? The world is not divided between those who have established a connection to God through Jesus Christ and those who have not. EVERY ONE has Jesus, the Milta, the Manifestation of God in him or her. Everyone is connected. It is just a matter of knowing it and getting it flowing.
The grave error of Nazism is believing that other races are not as divine simply because they remain in ignorance. The answer is not slavery, but education of the sleeping spirits. Those sleeping spirits are God, too. There are no second-class humans. Each is God and must be respected as God. "Let us make man in our image," means that every man is God at work. "Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto Me."
And an even more grievous error the Nazis make is not recognizing that WHAT WE IMAGINE FOR OTHERS IS OUR DESTINY. That is why imagining is an investment; it comes back upon him (or her) who has a desire and gives it. The world is an appeasement of hunger, and if your hunger has been a desire to destroy or to dominate, it will come back upon you. Dresden and Nagasaki were not punishments, they were fulfillments, rewards, the fruition of gifts given to God -- the imaginers' fellow man. "For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name (nature: imagination), because you belong to me (God), verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward (the gift imagined)" (Mark 9: 41, parentheses mine). Destruction and domination were the rewards the Nazi mindset imagined for God, and they did not lose their rewards; they came back upon them full measure, shaken together and running over (which is the 'Jethro' that enthralled Moses as he sought to know how things work).
Things work together for the good of those who love God, who honor and have mercy upon those who are him, even if they do not know it. It works that way. Recognize that your fellow man is God, too, and give him (and her) good rewards in your thoughts and intentions toward Him Who is in them.
thank you.
Rob Miles, at 12:42 PM
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