For Anyone Contemplating Suicide: There is Another Way
What family and religion are suppose to teach is how to live in the world according to how the world really works. Because people do not know how the world really works, they struggle, they despair, and they get to a point where they just want the pain to stop. Stay tuned. I try here to teach what family and religion were suppose to teach you, but failed to. Don't blame them too harshly: they cannot teach what they do not know, and they cannot know what they have not heard of. I have heard, so please listen up!
What I heard was that the world is the Manifestation of God. Okay, a manifestation, but the whole world and everything in it -- the entire universe -- including you, is God's emanated being. He is a really big guy. Emanation is kind of like being blown up but still remaining a whole, like the light emanating from a light bulb. The story is that the most high God was a formless being who desired form, and we are Its becoming form. The becoming form of one big, formless No-thing. God's becoming form is an ACTION, and we are integral in this action. Whatever "It," the eternal Source of everything, is, It desired, and that desire was imagined emotion, "consciousness" or "spirit," and that same consciousness/spirit has become our inner consciousness and spirit. You are thinking with it. THAT is God in you, and in It is the Kingdom of God.
"King-dom" is that power and wisdom that makes a king a king. Our inner consciousness has that power and wisdom, but we all have forgotten in order to become the humans we now are. We entered amnesia to experience this dimension to be generated into the likeness of the most high God. We are Its imagination or consciousness now, but we each are going to become It, each of us individually -- kind of like a son being trained by his dad. That is why I say, "Don't bug out!" You are just at the point of being generated!
The fault of family and religion is imagining that God and creation are separate. We imagine a division: we are here, powerless, and God is over there, full of power, and never the twain shall meet. The truth of the matter is that we are him, and he is us, and creation is the plan unfolding as we live these lives. We are one integral whole. I cannot tell you how many ways the Bible tells us this, but it is the way to look at the Bible. We have been trained to read it as a history. It is psychological in nature: it is the history we go through in our psychological development as we are generated into God's likeness. It is our destiny. The untranslated proper names of people and places in the Bible are eternal states of being, natures our beings take psychologically as we grow into God's likeness.
Part of this psychological development is realizing that if God imagined us, and we became manifest from that imagining, and that if we are thus him and his imagining, then WHAT WE IMAGINE EVENTUALLY BECOMES MANIFEST. Family and religion, then, were supposed to teach us how to imagine to create the world we desire. Doing it without instruction has not been entirely fun. But like I said, we cannot blame anyone who did not know because, well, who could have imagined?
Most of the people who find this blog are searching for information about Neville Goddard, who for many years taught this view and processes of imagining to cause desires to manifest. He died in 1972, but his lectures and books are in the public domain and free on the Internet if you know how to look for them. Many enterprising young men and women are bundling his teachings and selling them on the Internet, also. I happen to be a theologian who observes the truth of the Bible in Neville's teaching. Rather than killing yourself, why not take the time to investigate if there is a way we are supposed to be living that you just didn't know about until now? I guarantee you, it is what the Bible is about -- Moses was writing a success manual, not a history!
I have a lot of postings about this point of view, of Neville and causation by imagination. There is a bunch more available, too, but I find Neville clearer, saner, and simpler. What people want when they come to this site are Neville's techniques. Do the techniques work? How do you cause what you want by imagining? Can I use it to win millions from the lottery? These people, though, seem to overlook the fact that Neville, Abdullah (his mentor) and Joseph Murphy were Bible teachers. They taught that God and Christ were not separate entities outside of man but were inside of man. Yes, Jesus Christ came to earth and taught men, and where men find Jesus Christ to listen to him and to see God revealed to them is inside themselves, in their inner man, their imagination. Even if there were another human Christ, this is what he taught: "Listen to me inside you."
Okay, it would be cheap of me not to give you a suggestion of technique. You have to change your inner conversation. Decide what you want to be. Without imposing on someone else ("I want him dead" or "I want her to marry me"). How do YOU want to feel? What would it be like if you really did feel that way? How would you ACTUALLY feel? In your imagination, actually feel that way. If you desire a job or promotion, how would you feel if you had it? What would you hear, see, touch? Imagine being there so intensely and so vividly that you can see and hear and touch those things. Just something of the consequence of having what you desire. Reach this state just as you are about to fall asleep, and then fall asleep in this state. Do this night after night, and it should not be long before your desire is realized.
Neville's father taught him some technique, too. He would spend time in the morning imagining what he was going to do all through the day. He imagined success, and had much. Neville also taught to imagine the future by "remembering" the past. Say a builder desired to construct a building on an empty lot. He, imagining the building as already standing, would "remember" when it was just an empty lot there, but NOW it is this great building, and imagine it in all the detail of its future existence as though it were already there. They didn't teach you this in Sunday School, did they? Pity. This is the way we were supposed to pray and are supposed to cause our lives to be lived. We are not supposed to be victims of life; we are suppose to be the causes of life -- like potters crafting pots on our wheels, each of us individually within the big pot God is crafting on his wheel. That's Ezekiel chapter one. Like I said, this is what the Bible is all about.
Here are what I consider the most practical of Neville Goddard's lectures I have found on Neville and Joseph Murphy taught a technique of prayer they learned from their teacher, Abdullah, from the perspective that man's imagination is God because God became man's imagination. They taught to imagine with faith, faith based upon the Law of God, which IS God.
The techniques require understanding and practice. Think of learning them as an investment. As Neville said, "If it works, then you have found Him!" Finding God is the worthy objective.
Far and away the best and most succinct summary of Neville's philosophy and technique is God's Law and His Promise:
Here is how Abdullah taught Neville:
Also in my opinion, "practical":
I Am All Imagination:
The Pruning Shears of Revision:
Mental Diets:
How to Use Your Imagination:
Imagination Plus Faith:
Creating With Imagination:
Creation Faith:
Call Upon Self:
Believe It In:
A Standing Order:
Awakened Imagination:
Magic of Faith (Joseph Murphy's book)
I tried it a lot and all I got is the opposite of what I want. For me it's all bullshit now. We are supposed to be God ? What a joke, God is supposed to suffer and imagine for months, even years one thing that will happen ? And doing it continually and by the same time denying his current suffering ?
I try to meditate, do in silence, "be still and know that I am God" they say. Well, there is nothing in silence or stillness, nothing has change for me, I still don't know who or what I am, and spending time in silence in meditation has change nothing.
Spending time changing how I feel and visualizing has no effect too. And after a time it drives me completly mad cause finally it's like to deny the reality, but there is no change, so it makes you more an more angry at this fucking God. I am God imagination ? Well I wish he has never imagined me, I wish I had no imagination or never existed, cause it has been shit since the start and I am absolutly incapable to change constantly my thought and stay in a state of happyness while living in a shitty world in a shitty body and a shitty mind. Nothing I do inside, despite how much effort I do, have a lasting effect. And even you have the thing you want, it will not last and life will take it back or put you in a position where you need something else. You always need something here, its endless. And how about the people who get what they wanted with neville technique, and life have take all back horribly, like the girls who got a boyfriend, good life etc, and then he died and she ended destroyed inside...
Also tell me how a God worth its name could create a shit place like here ? I never saw anyone trully happy in this fucking world. Even people like Nisargadatta explain we are just trapped here in a body like slaves. Even neville explain we can do nothing to speed up our evolution and the little secret he share is just so we can have a little better time here, if it work. Neville in lectures tells the same as buddhist and yogi, its bad to be in a body cause we are just slaves of it.
So yeah everybody tells to not suicide, that its all beautifull etc. What a joke, when you look at them they are sad too, they just try to justify their existence, make money etc. No real happyness. Even the great yogi and sages say they wait to be out of their body, out of this world.
This world is a fucking joke that never ends and the only good time I have is the moment when I fall asleep. How to believe in God and their is no support inside us even when we search like crazy ? I feel absolutly no God inside me. I have reach very ecstatic state in meditation, but it don't last and it don't change anything and I certainly still don't know what is God or wtf I am. I am nothing of what i perceive and still my fucking mind everyday is identified with my body, thought and senses. Its endless suffering. And doing effort for what ? to finally die and see everyone we love die ? There is nothing to win in life, it will all be taken back.
Please change my mind, I beg you ! But I never saw anyone answering these questions anywhere. They all just say fucking sentences like "we are all god, yeah". What a joke.
Michael, at 3:52 AM
Thank you for writing and giving me a chance. Hang in there, maybe we can break through this nightmare and it will all be worth it. As you can imagine, an effed up life like yours must be has a lot of baggage with it that has to be culled through. One thing that helped me immensely many years ago was realizing that I am already dead. When Christ died FOR me, I was in his death and am accounted as died, also. Do dead people worry, suffer? I DEAD to it. So the bs I deal with now is more than tolerable. For you, count yourself already dead in Jesus’ death on the cross and wait a bit while I try to convince you of a better world right here right now. But give me some time to think and compose, okay? Thanks
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:09 PM
Please email me at
I will continue to post conversation here, but holding a conversation through this comments section is cumbersome. I am on the west side of the US, and have more free time in the late night early morning hours to write and research. One thing I see missing in your comment is the guy, Jesus Christ. He is an essential element to a peace-filled life here. Don’t poo-poo him. The Bible is not like it seems. There is another story in there. Give me an email address.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:45 PM
Michael emailed me:
Hi Dan,
Thanks for at least answering. People never answer that questions.
For your comment on Jésus, I am more about the view of the Bible that Neville Goddard comment. So I don't really see Jésus as a man that died on a real cross. Cause if he did, like Osho said, Jésus would have just see that there is no god that help us.
I see Jésus as a métaphore for the highest state. And that we must die innerly to resurect, to make place for new things etc, let the old die... That's also how I take your advice about being already dead in Jesus.
But well, that's a nice theory as I explained.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:23 AM
I responded (I hope it will all fit here):
Thank you, Michael, for connecting through email. You are French? French Canadian? I am retired, so I sometimes have time free during the day. Wife often wants me to be doing other things, though. I understand Jesus Christ to be metaphor also, but ALSO to be the reality of what he is a metaphor OF. There is the symbolic, and there is what is symbolized by the symbolism. This world is really under an invisible reality.
The God who gave us the Bible gives Jesus Christ to us as a real human being who died on a real cross. How it was and is real I do not know, but okay, I will deal with him as a real human being who died on a real cross. I understand my destiny is to become him, because somehow he became me. That may be metaphor and symbolic, but as locked-in destiny it is already a done deal. The Jesus Christ I become is already outside of time as we know it, and he can and does deal with me effectively with transcendent from-there-to-here power. I do not hope to convince you that God is real or that Jesus Christ is the Lord--that is for him to do (see the last of Mark 16). But I can honestly tell you that he has opened my spiritual eyes (showing me the reality of a demon I was dealing with), spoken to me directly into my brain (thus for me it was audible), physically lengthened what was a shorter arm (a physical growing-out I consciously watched), and healed the bone spurs in my neck that were causing arthritis. I am convinced that there really was a guy who the Bible is about. He is a reality the stories ILLUSTRATE. They are not factual, but He IS. WHAT he is, I do not know, but I know that he is no theory.
To be continued...
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:31 AM
I am sorry that your life seems to suck so much. I am sure you have been trying to rectify and change things. I will share one of the best bits of advice I ever got. I had gone to Taiwan to try some summer mission. I stayed with Murray Silberling, a Christian-Jew missionary there. The culture shock was getting me all uptight. I didn't know if I could take it. Micky, as we called him, pointed out that I was taking things too seriously, that I should just "lighten up." Lighten up, Michael. So what if life sucks? It is almost certainly our fault in one way or another. Happiness and laughter are in our heads if we think them in faith. It is up to us. Which brings me to something else I think I notice in your comment, and you tell me if I am right (and I hope I am wrong): you are expecting magic to happen from what you do. You want change, so you do the prescribed ritual: silence, meditation, visualization, feeling. I will tell you the truth: I never do any of those things, at least not in that way. Yet I do each of them in prayer. I know God hears me, because I do. I speak to him in thoughts. I want for others. I see in my mind what I want for them. I might feel the joy of it, hear the report of it. Mostly I have questions or thoughts in my mind, and listen for ideas that rise in the mind--things I seem to be saying to myself without me having any input into them. God seems to talk to me a lot during my shower. I see things so clearly then. Maybe it is because there is nothing else in my mind then, but someone suggested it's because it's just for me--personal one-on-one and not for everyone else.
Let me ask you, Michael, what Christian reading materials do you have? I think you need a change in your input. Yes, Neville taught like a Hindu, but his reading material was primarily the Bible. He said it was all psychological and symbolic--no secular, literal history--and he also said every word of it is true. Well, I believe the true part is us. HOW it is true is the question. I want to ask you to read the Book of John--KJV, New American Standard, and Alexander if you have him. I can email you Alexander if you'd like. Vic won't mind. I can suggest some online sites worthy of a look, too. Today I wondered why 3 1/2 years is mentioned so many times in the Bible. So I asked the url box. This kind of short article ( can be enlightening, and can instigate the kind of change you might be looking for. If nothing else, read what I said about the book Neville Goddard's Final Lectures. I think I wrote about eight or nine posts about it.
Do not write God off. He can be real effective. And you do not want to meet him face-to-face on bad terms. Oh, that's another thing: listen to some of the ndes (near death experiences) on youtube. A lot may be bs. Some may be honest and real. All are personal experiences. Gotta go.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:34 AM
Michael said:
Well, I call that answer bullshit. Sorry to be direct, but it's always better to be direct. And my english is limited. Yes I am from Belgium (french language).
You didn't answer any of my questions or observations about god. It's just the same answer as others. You think you know something, but you don't. You just repeat words of others and send me to them.
Well I won't read another fucking useless book. I have read countless books from all sages and spiritual masters since 20 years, and what benefit ? None.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:49 PM
I think I may have misunderstood your questions. I thought my actual experiences would count for something in answer, for they are my anchoring evidence of the reality of the invisible world and the Consciousness that is there. Instantaneous growth of my arm floors me. I watched it grow out at the moment Jesus was asked to do it. There were dozens of people who were affected at the same time. Some invisible consciousness responded. It responds, but It doesn't do tricks. I think your main question is more along the lines of "What is it?" than "Why isn't the world the way I want it to be?" I have more to say than I can put into a few lines in a few emails. I wish I could just put them into a bunch of bullet points.
I gave you one of the best bits of advice I have ever gotten: Lighten up. I have another: "The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes." That applies to meditating/praying to receive something you want, and manifesting the WANTING and not what was wanted. Neville and others stress not wanting and not putting forth effort. That is hard to do. There was a certain attitude present when all our limbs grew out to the right length. But that is not your question.
Why is the world screwed up, and why would any god make it this way? There are a bunch of reasons. The Consciousness made the world, and we into it screwed it up. What did we do? In our amnesia-caused ignorance we allow for things we do not want to happen. We are too slack; allowance is our ignorance. We just do not think like God does, constantly controlled and without allowances. He is the original Positive Thinker. Unacceptance of evil is a hallmark of God. Of us . . . not so much. That's the apple we eat--allowance of variation. He simply allows our doing it for a season, till we harden ourselves to hang onto unacceptance like he does. Neville says His forming us is God's art, a form of poetry (Unless I Go Away). Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? A guy like you keeps waking up on Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney. Frustrated, he kills himself, only to wake up the next morning on Groundhog Day. So he kills himself again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. And through this he gets to know the people around him. He develops care for them, and character in himself. I watch Groundhog Day and Scrooge, A Christmas Carol at times throughout the year (if you ever watch it, listen carefully to what Jacob Marley says).
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:30 PM
I had an interesting (to me) illustration come to me last night. You get to be God. You want a one (1). So you take a pencil and draw a one on a piece of paper. That one is also you. Your mind became it. It is a manifestation of you. In a very real sense, it is God, for it is you. So what does that one do? It just sits there as a one. If God wants to draw a circle around it, add to it, erase it, burn it, the one is at His disposal. It doesn't have any special rights or abilities EXCEPT AS GOD GIVES THEM. It can make its petitions known to its maker, and then it just, well, it just sits there as a one doing what God made it to do. Sounds depressing. Except that the one has promise of a reward for faithfully being a one. You can look it up: the Greek word euaggelion, "Gospel," means reward. I believe that the Consciousness that made my arm grow out a fraction of an inch is the same One who fulfills the promise--eternal life as spirit in control of the body, and not the other way around.
Lastly for tonight: you accept of course that there are countless, countless planets throughout the universe. The universe is 13+ billions of years old. The earth, 4+ billion. Kajillions of planets may have had intelligent, sentient beings several billions of years before ours. If numbers of them so developed into spirit beings, many could be here influencing us for good or for evil. Some of us have met them and recognize them as either angels or demons. The first thing I learned about them is that there are different levels of authority. The demon I encountered was of below the earth. My level was of the earth. A deliberate Consciousness opened my mind's eye to see the demon who was trying to get me to lower my natural level of authority to its level. That deliberate Consciousness did not need my permission to open my eyes because It was naturally of a higher, above-the-earth level of authority. Sounds wild, but it really happened. I do not know why any god would arrange a real world or an imagined reality like this, but I know that one did. He made us out of himself for his pleasure, not ours. He promises a lot better for our faithfulness, humility, and obedience. Have others said this? Of course, for millions have learned of it and have entered into it. It isn't "parroting;" it is testifying. You are going to have to accept the answers--the evidence--somewhere along the line, Osho be damned.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:31 PM
So what you say is exactly what I said. You said we are ignorant and we can't use god power correctly. This is exactly what I said. God created us ignorant. He created à world where misery and evil is king, he put his so-called sons, animals and créatures he created and he tell them to eat each others alive to survive, and then he say, "Hey you are misérable because you are ignorants, sorry.... but I love you... see you later."
Why the fuck would anybody live in a fucking place like that and not instantly suicide ? Because god have put hope in us, but hope have no power, then he tell to believe, but he made us so dumb and our mind so difficult and fucked up that it is impossible. He made a few people that have what they want, so the others believes the crap he tell us and don't suicide and continue to hope... without anything changing. For billion of years this world is the same crap. Animals eating each other alive, what god do create that ? A placé where the only way to survive is to kill another form of conscious life ? And child ? How they do think wrongly ? They don't even know what is a rapist before some bastard rape them ? How have they think wrongly ? What god create a world like that ? God know everything or he would not be omniscient, then he knew all that would happen. Even Neville Goddard told us God created this on purpose and we were "asleep" since the beginning.
So sorry I don't buy this same easy answer bullshit I see everywhere. This mâkes no logic at all and its disproven everywhere you see. You are just one of the lucky ones.
You can see and read tons of people doing the work of thinking correctly and believing they have what they want and it don't work for them. And finally even it would work, why live in a shitty world were even your body is made to suffer. Even the act of reproduction is killing your body of its vital energy and resources lol.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:30 PM
Okay, that gets me to my other thing: do you hear from God? I mean, do you hear Him? I think hearing from God on a regular basis would brighten your disposition. I carry pen and paper with me at all times to jot down the thoughts that come to me, because I almost always have a question in mind that I know He will answer. The answers come to me as thoughts seemingly without my generation of them, like gifts from outside, or flashes of insight. Here is the guy, Mark Virkler (, and the process of hearing God through spontaneous thoughts in our mind (he's got a lot of videos on youtube). "Oh, that's just your imagination." Well, yeah! My imagination is Him in me. After God spoke audibly to me in a vision in1975, I decided to search for what He had said to others. That led to my learning a lot of things which God now uses to talk to me. Whether I am reading Daoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam or Rastafarianism, God speaks to me about whatever truths about Him He has spoken to others. He sometimes speaks to me in a song. Way back when I was having some spiritual trouble in seminary, the chorus of "Help Me Rhonda" came to me as "Help Me Jesus": "Help me Jesus, help help me Jesus, help me Jesus, help help me Jesus, help me Jesus yeah, get him (Satan) out of my heart." Songs, like scriptures, historical events, and literature, have become the vocabulary of God to me. In fact, even ordinary social situations are used as God's voice to highlight truths about Him--"Life" has become His speaking. I hope that in your listening to the thoughts that come to you there is much hearing.
PS: I have always told people about my salvation, but I don't always include that my mother had everyone she could persuade praying for me, lost as I was. Prayer truly moves mountains.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:51 PM
I continue, Michael,
I have a hard time talking to you. You cite yogis and sages and Neville Goddard, but what is your knowledge of the Christian Bible? From as early as the 1970s I have been told that the church in Europe is dead. Spiritually dead, that is. I know that many of our churches here in America are spiritually dead, also. I cannot find a church that agrees with my theology and philosophy to attend. I say this to remind you that Neville said that Jesus Christ is the Pattern Man. You have to have some familiarity with the Bible to understand the pattern. It is not readily apparent. Let me tell you something about the pattern: there is a reward at the end. The reward is what it is all about. We go through the pattern to get the reward. The reward is worth it.
The pattern is not a particularly happy place. Sample of it are in the Book of Daniel. There are samples of the pattern throughout the Bible, but I just happened to be reading something in Daniel and noticed the pattern repeated over and over there. You have already got the born-into-ignorance part of the pattern. Then, innocently enough, trouble and affliction come, like the troubles and afflictions of Job, or of Daniel and his friends. In the troubles and afflictions here is a testing of the believer: does he or she stick it out in faith, or succumb to temptation to get out of it? Note: THE TEST IS NOT BY GOD, BUT BY OUR OWN NATURE. Daniel and his friends, and all the "heroes" of the Bible, succeed and receive a reward.
In Daniel chapter nine the Jews are given a special "season." Four hundred and ninety years for a snapshot of history from beginning to end--they get to live and present it. Oh joy. Sent back to Judea, they have to rebuild the Temple in perilous times. They have to deal with the Greeks, Antiochus Epiphanes, puppet kings, Roman domination, and religious legalism. IN this--in spite of it--there are some who by faithfulness, nobility of character and longsuffering please God. At the end of the Season Jesus Christ came preaching, "The Season is finished. Repent and believe in the Gospel." I believe that when he said 'gospel', in this case he meant the reward: "Repent and believe in the reward." Because if you believe in the reward, that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, you will get your act together. (The Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew words translated as 'gospel' all have DUAL meanings: a reward for bringing glad tidings, and the glad tidings themselves. Here I believe Jesus meant the first definition, reward.)
So Jesus Christ, a dual person (YHWH in a man--that's our pattern), appears at the end of the four hundred and ninety year season. Born, runs into trouble and affliction, gets tried and crucified FOR US. What was his reward? US!!! As his reward he was given the right to forgive and possess us.
There is a reward at the end of each season for sticking it out, bearing through it in faith. The reward is God's action; something He does. We do not do it. That is the lie of the Law of Attraction. WE conceive, HE delivers. You say I have been lucky. I have been blessed. There is a pattern. It doesn't have a set timetable. The pattern is believing in God, learning of and from Him, and trusting in Him in faithful action--the trust, nobility of character, and longsuffering stuff. This SEEMS like an 's' world, but in that world, the real world, it leads to a reward. Jesus is already there. In him, we are, too.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:35 AM
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