The Becoming God

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Universal Medium is a Person (This is Two)

Enter eternity. No, not you, I mean as a condition the consciousness of the Ineffable is in. A kazillion years in the past, times a kajillion. We cannot comprehend eternity, which doesn't even have time or years. There is an (...?), and . . . ? Its consciousness. With which It has plenty of time to think. Time to think of what It is, what It can do, what It wants to be, and how to get there.

Two things here: one is imagination. Without a body of any sort, imagining is all that a conscience can do. Except for two, the Ineffable's intelligence is powerful to become--literally--whatever It assumes that It IS. And It has plenty of time to become. I believe we see this alluded to in double-slit experiments, wherein power is wave-form until someone observes it, at which time it becomes particulate. I am a caption scientist - I only know what I read in the captions of the pictures - but I am sure many real scientists marvel at how it is that man is the off-and-on switch of this process. But I have an idea:

My idea is that the Ineffable No-thing, in all Its imaginings, imagined form, and wanted it. Having no form for action but Its consciousness, It imagined what it would be like for Its consciousness to be manifest, and then assumed that It was. Assumption means to believe that it actually is, and in the Ineffable's consciousness, Its imagination, Its manifestation is as real, full, and complete as real gets. To the Ineffable, the essential connotation of Its being EXISTENT IN FORM is Its Manifestation, the Milta (Alexander). The Milta is that Person, not just personified or represented, but is the Ineffable Person ACTUALLY manifested in form.

Too many Gods for you? There is just the one in nonmanifest AND manifest states. One Guy, two states, one greater than the other, for the manifest is locked into following whatever the nonmanifest thinks and wills: "Thy Kingdom must be being restored; Thy will must be being done, as in heaven so also on earth" (Matthew 6:10). Two, two, two Gods in one: the lesser Person, the Milta, we can know; the greater, the Ineffable, we cannot.

The greater Person is manifested in the Milta. Where do we see Him? In His manifestation . . . us. "But He is Creator; we are idiots." The Milta is ASSUMED, assumed to be real, full, and complete by the Ineffable, which is power to become whatever It assumes that It is. But It isn't . . . yet. The nature and character of the Ineffable takes time to develop, to cultivate, to generate into Its likeness. WE ARE IDIOTS UNTIL HIS NATURE AND CHARACTER BE GENERATED IN US.

Continued next post.


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