The Becoming God

Friday, March 22, 2024

This World and the Land of Babes

This goes back to the first thought I had after being baptized with the Holy Ghost: the Bible's world is the real one. This world we learn of through experience and our educational system is not the real world. This world depends on the laws of physics. That world depends on the Spirit. This world must deal with what is here--heat, moisture, pressure, available resources, what little intelligence we have. That world just does what it pleases: "As the Beginning, the Son of God, the Milta (Miltha--the Manifestation of the Consciousness of the Ineffable Being) CREATES the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 as I read Alexander). Creates. It is a presently happening thing--nothing is locked in.

We, Adam and Eve that we are (Divine Consciousness and imagination in amnesia), wanted to become our own god. We ate of the Tree Life which gives the knowledge of good and evil . . . in ignorant rebellion. We plan and do. The Spirit world operates for babes. Things are given. (Jesus) said, "I acknowledge your will, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the wise and educated, and revealed them to children. Indeed, my Father, for this was your original intention" (Matthew 11:25-26 Alexander, emphases mine). God's original intention was that we be children, babes, to whom He could reveal His Kingdom. We blew it as gods--should have stayed slack-jawed kids. We must become babes again, believing we receive, for then we will have.


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