The Becoming God

Saturday, March 23, 2024

This World, That World

I am trying to get this clear. We think that this physical world and that spiritual world are different. This is because they seem to operate differently. Actually, though, both worlds operate the same. It is just that we operate differently in this world. God is doing the same thing in both worlds, creating the heavens and the earth, but we are acting stupidly in this one. We think that because this world is physical, we've got to do it. But this world is just the manifestation of that one, and it operates THE SAME. So we are continually flapping our wings trying to get things done, while we could just believe, rest, and trust. That actually is a tall order, because we do have to do right, which are not necessarily physical things, but attitudinal. Boy, there's a word for you.

This world is that world manifest, which confuses the heck out of us. Why can we not just operate as being in that world? We got disconnected by amnesia and its resultant ignorance. Through God's redemption of us by the Milta, Jesus, we can be reconnected, but we do not do it; the connection has to be given--made from that side. Those who have been imbued with Life know it is true; it wells up inside flowing in and up as from somewhere else, as if there was a gate between the worlds that had been opened. That TELLS us that the worlds are one, but we just don't get it. We get back to business, back to doing things that have to get done.

Well, we can practice manifesting that world, living in and by its attitudes and thoughts and values. We can practice being as a child, trusting and asking our Father for whatever we think He would like for us to have and experience. Just as we practice asking, we can practice surrendering, submitting, trusting, waiting, imagining, having. No force, just humility and love, gratitude and appreciation--humble thanksgiving. We ask, "What do you want me to do?" and then do whatever good thing comes to mind.

The Bible world is the real one, and this world is the manifestation of it. This is like an illusion, a simulation, or a display. We think we are doing, but we believed, and it is happening. We first believe a thing, and then it appears. We want a thing, and the want appears. We fear a thing, and it happens. We want a thing NOT to happen, but all that is seen in the imagination is the thing happening, and it does (e.g., "Don't see me" = "See me"). What is happening in this world is the Bible world. We have got to learn to operate in this world like in that world, because it is. Seek the connection in faith. Ask.

I hear the rebuff: "I would never imagine or believe in childhood cancer." Well, do you believe we are in a world in which there is, in which there can be childhood cancer? "Well, yes." There you go.


By 'thinking', 'believing', 'wanting', 'imagining,' 'how the world operates', I mean the Law of Assumption as detailed by Neville Goddard in the last century. The Ineffable assumes, and that is "God." What It assumes It has the power to cause to become form and experience in what we call reality. THAT is what we can and are to become connected to by the forms of our minds. THAT’S what the Bible is about.

We pass through states or conditions—“mansions”—of existence. The Ineffable has already assumed all good and evil, every possibility and potentiality. And from every one He knows how to get back to Him


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