Why I Do Not Deconvert From Christianity (2): I Do Not Have The Wrong Picture
The Bible is not a secular history to be believed as literal; it is a philosophy to be engaged. The Bible is addressed, said Neville Goddard, to the imagination. "This is about YOU." You are God's imagination. The Bible does not say to believe it as a history. Moses was an expert in the Egyptian religions. In exile in Midian, he found the REALITY of God. "Oh. The Egyptian religions are bunk." Adam and Eve, the Tree of Life which gives the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Cain and Abel, Seth, Noah, Nimrod, the Ashurai, Abraham, Jacob and his descendants--"Israel, God's Prevailing"--are all aspects of YOU. They haven't a blasted thing to do with literal history except they actually happen in people.
The world is imagic, because we are its creator and we are the image of God. Our imagination is the Son of God, the Spark that Kindles the Fire (Ashur in Exodus 3:14), the Beginning (in Genesis 1:1) that creates the world. We are God the Sent, imagining what becomes manifest, but “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV).
The history and the science and the order of things in the Bible are not to be taken as literal to provide us salvation; they are imagic--types and signs and indications of ourselves. Jesus, the Guy who incarnated and lived two thousand years ago and sacrificed His life for YOU is YOU. YOU are His kingdom. Satan's war against God is YOUR ignorance fighting YOU. Do not go the wrong way and just give up to him. TRANSLATE the proper names in the Bible and, voila!, you have an entirely different Bible, an engageable philosophy which reveals God in YOU, as YOU.
And there is His power, for He is Power. You want evidence? Believe Him that He is you. I cannot de-convert, because I have seen what one cannot be hypnotized to see or experience. Sure, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and near-death experiences can be mental aberrations, but seeing limbs grow, paralytics walk, lepers cleansed, blind eyes seeing, the deaf hearing--these are not affects from hypnotism. And you do not get to see such things by leaving Christianity. This is the world you are creating. Stay in it and fight to SEE.
Hi Daniel,
That is still a problem I face. All the "You" and "I AM", yet when it comes to the will, it seems a separate "higher self" and "carnal mind"; "God" and "man"; "3D" and "4D" (of whatever D. I just find it hard to reconcile this matter.
When I pray, I used to beseech another. But post-Neville, I simply affirm as there is no other but me. But what is it really? How do I reconcile this with subjecting my self-will to God, as per a recent post of yours?
How can I discipline "myself" if I am God? It does not make sense?
Anonymous, at 7:23 AM
Dear Anonymous at 7:23,
Too important a question, too big of an answer. Please see response at
Thanks for both. I hope I understood your question adequately.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:03 PM
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