"Neville Goddard's Final Lectures" : A Review/Heads Up
In my first review of Neville Goddard's Final Lectures I warned of errors I had begun to find in the text. One really needs to read these transcripts WITH the audio, making corrections as they go. A lot of the errors I have found are inconsequential. On page 126, e.g., Neville says they brought a holy icon for the king of Greece who was dying. The transcript says for the king who had died. The icon didn't worked either way. On page 129, Neville says Fawcett has thrown some light on the mystery. The text says he has found some light on it. Well, there it is, in any case. Usually the errors are just confusing. Try to figure out on page 136, "And he said in this letter is the warmest and the friend is the relationship between us." Neville had said, "And he said in this letter, 'it is the warmest and the friendliest of relationships between us.'" On page 137 the text tells us to "sing them out." Neville had instructed to "single them out." On page 295. the word is archaic, not arcane--that one really is hard to hear.
Other errors are a bit more substantial. On page 271 God says, "I make the wheel. I form the world." You won't find it in the Bible. Neville's quote was, "I make the weal. I form the woe" (Isaiah 45:7). In the next paragraph, "He allows us all the liberty in the world to create high and low. Again, it is weal and woe. On page 286, Neville is talking about a pattern of events that delivered to him what he wanted: "Then, two (thieves)..." The text has "They two (thieves)..." Neville goes on to say, "You play your part, and every state necessary to make your part come to fulfillment will be present at the moment that you need it." Final Lectures has it, "You play your part in every state necessary to make your part come to fulfillment at the moment that you need it." Close, but no cigar.
What could "The secret is in the feeling. So he's always out. He is the first man covered with fear," possibly mean? Not much. Neville had said: "The secret is in the feeling. So Esau went out. He is the first man, covered with hair." Yeah, he is always out. Similarly, on page 162, "As you're told in the Book of Acts, that Pentecostal choir that came when they all heard the wind like a mighty storm wind." Can you imagine the members of a choir alighting on their heads at Pentecost?
Well, buy the book and get a pencil. Correcting the slip-ups in these texts will be a great review of Neville's teachings, which are well worth it. I could write a book on just the mistakes. Maybe someday there will be available a revision of Neville Goddard's Final Lectures, where the lectures have actually been listened to and the texts transcribed verbatim.
Sadly, Amazon's policy is that because I used money gifted to me by them, I cannot post this nor my prior review on Amazon.com. Perhaps you can.
You are wrong about your review. You merely used your Amazon review as a means to plug your blog and to discredit the hard work and labor of love Mitch Horowitz has done. Mitch has responded to your one star review on his Instagram. I personally think this is really low.
Anonymous, at 8:51 AM
You need to read Mitch Horowitz's review of your one star review. He has posted it on his Instagram. You plugging your blog in your review is a sure sign to me that you are probably jealous of his work and success and are seeking your own recognition. Pretty low. You probably won't even allow this comment to be displayed on this page. If you had problems with the work why not contact Mitch personally and create a dialog if you really cared about Neville's work? You don't really care about the work obviously, because you took it as an opportunity to promote yourself and to try to put him down. If you really cared you would have just reached out to him directly and not tried to promote yourself at his expense.
John B., at 9:03 AM
I noted my blog to get Mitch to see my comments about all the mistakes in the transcripts. Amazon would not let me review on the account I purchased the book through. I readily acknowledge how hard it is to get an accurate transcription. Even mine which he used still had mistakes in it—which still exist. My point was and is that the process of transcription is not yet completed, and his readers have to LISTEN to find out what Neville actually said. Horowitz should have completed the process of transcription by having a number of people check what he had done. There are about 113 errors in “Where and When Did It Happen?” alone. A “labor of love” would have listened again.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:18 AM
So YOU say. You still point the finger at Mitch instead of yourself and use his success to try to promote yourself, at his expense. We wouldn't have a written account of his final lectures if it wasn't for Mitch. Knowing Mitch, he goes to great lengths to do the best work. He always has. He has proven to be trustworthy in his integrity over and over. It seems evident to me that this isn't about the quality of Neville's words and their accuracy, but more about putting down Mitch and trying to promote yourself. You could have EASILY contacted him directly through his website. He is easy to communicate with and he responds when he is able. But you didn't do that. You instead chose a self-promoting route and attacked his hard work publicly. Very low, and Neville would be appalled by it.
John B., at 11:57 AM
I am glad to have and post your comment. Technology has been a bit of a roadblock. I did e-mail Mitch Horowitz, but never got a response to my message. I do not have an Instagram account. If you would read my reviews and comments about Neville Goddard's Final Lectures, you will see that I encourage people to get the book and warn them that they have to listen while reading. I stand by my count of over 600 mistakes/errors in the transcriptions. The exercise of listening closely is great for gaining comprehension. The problem is when people do not know that the audios have to be listened to, or they cannot access the audios. I gained greatly by listening to them with the text and making the corrections. As for promoting my own blog, I invite you to compare the advertising on my site with the advertising on Horowitz's sites. My blog is not monetized--I do not make a cent on it. Read it. I've commented on the book several times recently. I do not publish other people's public domain material for my own profit; I provide links to where the literature can be gotten for free. I COULD have just taken my corrected texts and published them as my own--and they would obviously not be Mitch's because they would vary in over 600 places. I started listening to the lectures in reverse order. Bring up "God And I Are One" (page 313) on youtube. The first TWO sentences are one idea. The period after "I will try to" should be a comma, and the capital 'y' that follows should be lower case. Is that one error? Two? I DID NOT EVEN COUNT THAT TYPE OF MISTAKE, of which there are probably hundreds. Mitch failed to include verse three in several of Neville's quotations of Hebrews 11:1 and 3 as part of the quote. You have "God And I Are One" queued up on youtube? Listen through the first paragraph. God sustained the universe, or he sustainS it? Go three sentences into the next paragraph. Is it "those who have him," or "those who have HEARD him"? Where is the 'heard'? Page 314: Neville says, "And then..." Where is the 'and'? "Peter answered and said..." Where is the 'answered and said'? AND IT DOESN'T GET BETTER. Like I said, I counted 674 of these mistakes. Note: some may be garbled audio from when cassettes in recorders were turned over and part of the lecture was missed, but not in over 600 places. At least one of us cares enough to really LISTEN, and I am only warning people that they need to LISTEN because of the errors in the text.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:46 PM
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