The Becoming God

Friday, October 21, 2022

We Become Distance, So Repair The Past

I figure what I said in my last post--"distance becomes you"--probably went over heads. The Ineffable is to us "wholly other." It assumes something distant from It...and that is what we are: something It assumed. We are that distant thing. We assume something distant from us in "I remember when" (we being the conscious spirit in and using the body we are joined to), and that distant thing becomes us. The "thing" is always a state which becomes us as we become it--it is our manifestation called forth and created, caused, by our assumption of and into the distance. The thing is, this is CONSTANT; it is a running end. We are this moment "buying" the distance which will become us as we become it, just as this moment is the distance, the manifestation we purchased by our assumptions some time ago. "I remember when" gives us some steering control of this moving vehicle--choice. Choose well.

We can use "I remember when" for correction of what we hear. This is like the woman's telephone technique (Neville said some woman told him that when she heard some bad report, she reheard it in her mind as a good report she heard on the telephone, I think. I will have to look it up). "Our funds are low,"..."I remember when our funds were low." "I am quite ill,"..."I remember when you were quite ill." Our projection of the distance from which we remember is the desired solution. We imagine sufficient funds or the person (or ourselves) in great health as what we have become--our very real "present" reality, and remember from there this distant past. We and the distance are one, and we can constantly repair the present there...remembering this.


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