The Becoming God

Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Law of Reversibility in Neville Goddard's Mental Diets

From the second paragraph of Neville Goddard's "Mental Diets" text:

"Speech is the image of mind; therefore, to change his mind, he must first change his speech. By 'speech' is meant those mental conversations we carry on with ourselves."

Notice the Law of Reversibility indicated in Neville's logic. He says that speech is the image of mind. But rather than say that to change one's speech one must change his or her mind, he says that to change one's mind, he or she must first change their speech. It is the change of speech which changes the mind. This is the Law of Reversibility applied.

Further applying the Law of Reversibility, one must change what he or she hears in one's mind to change the speaking in one's inner conversation that changes the mind. Thus the command throughout the Bible to HEAR. "Hear, O Israel...Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee" (Deuteronomy 5:1, Psalm 119:11 KJV). A search for 'hear' in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance online yields a whole new way of looking at the Bible. Have you ever wondered why it talks so much about hearing? Hearing changes everything! Hence affirmations and Bible tracts and preaching and testimonials. My mother kept sending loads of tracts and booklets after I had move to Hawaii to get away from her. After encountering a for-real deceiving spirit in a meditation and having the living Jesus intervene, I read the twelfth chapter of Revelation and the book of John with renewed interest. I had a whole new hearing and speech my mind. Then, Jesus changed my mind. The old me died, and the living Son took his place. THAT's a real change of mind!


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