The Becoming God

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Division

Everything is God's manifestation. And all that God IS is to be manifest. In my view, the ineffable No-thing became conscious of Itself, and over unimaginable ages developed Its self-awareness, knowledge, wisdom, and powers. It has had a lot of time to think, to develop, to resolve -- to perfect Itself. Part of this self-perfecting has been the constant improvement of what It does. What is good continues to be improved still more. It - the Ineffable - started out ignorant, and became the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Self-existent One, whose consciousness is the Big Guy we call God, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus.

What has been eliminated over all these ages is Its own ignorance, doubt, and fear. And It is manifesting. Just what do you think is going to manifest, and how? From a spark of imagination is the whole manifested through the eternal DEVELOPMENT the Ineffable went through. Its ignorance manifests to be used as impetus for us as it was for Him. We develop through struggle with it, learning through experience, overcoming it in Christ. But after being used it is ELIMINATED - cast into the incinerator, forgotten, undone. Hence all keepers are kept, and the abominable are "oblivionated" (Alexander's term).

God promises to keep His own, to protect and to perfect all of them. THEY (hopefully, we) are "every child born of woman," as Jesus was born of Mary. "Hey Dan, that's symbolic stuff!" Yes, exactly. We are all imagination (all of us, and all we are), and I do not believe that the God-rejecting rebellious, unregenerate stiff-necked haters of Light get to come back to the party in what Neville called restoration in the imagination of God. What God does is His language, the image of His being. Listen up.


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