The Becoming God

Saturday, January 22, 2022

We Are Not Here

I feel compelled to reiterate that this world is the manifestation of the invisible world. Yes, this world is manifested, is manifestly visible, but it is a visible image OF the invisible. The invisible field is where we really are. I first got a glimpse of this truth in March of 1975. I had encountered a deceiving spirit a couple of weeks prior in an occult meditation, and while I was initially in the dark as to its true nature, I suddenly could see into it through the light emanating from it as a façade. It was all darkness within. Suddenly quotes from the Bible came to mind, and I realized that I was going the wrong way in my spiritual quest.

I put two and two together and figured out that Jesus had been monitoring me and had intervened to prevent my demon possession. I was kind of blinky-eyed with the realization that He then, Jesus, must be real, present, and powerful to be monitoring me, a reprobate bum living in a pickup truck on an island in the middle of the Pacific. The demon, I also realized, though it had long influenced me, could not enter my mind without my permission. For I was of a higher authority than it. It needed me to lower my authority to it for it to enter and take authority over me. It was of below the earth, I was of the earth, and Jesus was above the earth, thus having authority over me and license to open my eyes without my permission.

Long story short (ha ha), two weeks later at the House of Praise in Kaimuki I went forward to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God and my Lord and Savior. I did not break down crying and speaking in tongues like the guy next to me, but I did catch a glimpse of this world NOT being the world I had always thought it was. Rather than a world subject to the laws of physics I had been taught in school and understood from a lifetime of experience, I saw that this world is directed and controlled by the laws of spirit. It is, in reality and unperceived by us, the BIBLICAL view's world. What the Bible says about the world is the truth. There is an invisible control over it. This world simply reacts to the overreaching control and direction of the power of God...unbeknownst to us. We errantly deal with the visible factors instead of the invisible factors it is really subject to.

That, of course, is what this blog is all about. In short, God is simply becoming, and this world is how He is doing it. Take a look. Yep, this is it. This is how God is growing and expanding into what He wants to be. This world and we are His DOING it. And I just heard a word from Him: "Come on! Let's go!"


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