The Becoming God

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Greatest Error Of Islam Is The Same As The Greatest Error Of Christianity

Islam is staunchly monotheistic. Even more so than orthodox Trinitarian Christianity. But it shares the same error as Christianity. In fact exactly the same: it is not monotheistic enough. Islam is an offshoot of Arian Christianity, a heresy which rejected the deity of Jesus and held that God and His creation have two different, separate natures - that there is a division between the ineffable Most High No-thing, the Source of Everything, and Its Manifestation, i.e., us.

THAT is the error: there is no division. ALL is on the mono side. The Ineffable has expanded and is expanding. It is not becoming different. There is no separate. We are part of the One God's expansion and have the same nature. There is no "other" involved. All of God has the same nature. This just isn't readily apparent to some parts of God. That is what our present experience is to remedy: we are to discover the reality of our own invisible nature.

God is ONE. There are different levels of awarenesses, but not different natures. All universes and all within them are appearance of the One's assumptions, which It has become. No remote control is involved. It, the invisible No-thing, is taking form, but all together It is just and only ONE Big Thing. And each and every little bit of It is wholly Its in humility and service. Islam as submission is correct; it just needs to eliminate half of its duality.

We are all learning many things about Islam, which has never had scholarship and critical analysis applied to it before. If you are interested in the history of Islam's development, where it came from, its claims, etc., visit and listen to all of the Pfander Films on YouTube. Just get everything straightened out.

The question is not whether Jesus is divine or not, but whether EVERYTHING is divine. Answer: the Divine became us. Enough said.


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