The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Is the Book of Genesis a Book of Imagination Techniques?

I am kind of slow to catch on. Moses put the most important thing he was talking about up front where it cannot be missed. Misread, yes, but not missed. The ineffable, most high incomprehensible Being, the Source of Everything, is conscious. That Consciousness is our "God." We are of it. What is the "Son" of the Ineffable's consciousness? Imagination. What does imagination do? It is the beginning of everything that is done, of everything that becomes. So how are we to read Genesis 1:1? "As the beginning, imagination creates the heavens and the earth." Imagination creates everything. It is the beginning of everything. Everything becomes from it.

What did Moses say? That imagination - the Divine's and yours and mine - is the beginning of everything that has become, is becoming, that will ever become. That is John's prologue: "In the beginning was the imagination, and the imagination was with God, and the imagination was God. Nothing ever exists except by the imagination. The imagination reveals God."

Notice that imagination creates. God created, i.e., imagined, light...the separation of the waters...the appearance of dry land...vegetation...the sun, moon, and in the seas, the sky and on the earth...and one of the creatures to be Its image, i.e., imbued with imagination. For six days the Consciousness imagined, defined, and assumed. It saw that it was beautiful, and then It stopped to let it happen.

Is this not technique? Moses saw that technique was the most important thing to put up front in his writings. For imagination is the beginning of everything. Man's consciousness has every good thing, but in his imagination's ignorance (serpent) tries to force things. This is a warning about how to use the technique. Imagination gives us both physical and spiritual benefits. Cain and Abel is a warning about our desires, our affections, and their consequences. The antediluvian patriarchs are a technique to get to Noah's flood, the rest in God. Ham, Cush and Nimrod are warnings about our motives, interests and behaviors. Abraham's story is technique again, with Hagar and Ishmael warnings. The stories are all techniques with various warnings and guidelines of what NOT to do.

I believe this is how Genesis is to be read and practiced. Our prayer lists are things to imagine.


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