The Becoming God

Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Miracle Of Presence

I was browsing through T.L. Osborn's Healing the Sick: A Living Classic (1992. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House), and stopped at chapter 9, "Special Miracles by Faith." It is all of half of page 47, and refers only to Acts 19: 11-12, "And Allaha performed great powers by the hand of Paul, such that when they even brought the clothes on his body, his shirts or kerchiefs, and consecrated them over the ill, the illnesses would abandon them, and even the demons came out of them" (Alexander).

Osborn, who in his ministry sent such cloths, explains, "If a sick person will believe God's promises and will consider that when such a cloth is laid on their sick body, it is as though we had come and prayed for them and had laid our hands on them personally, and if the sick person will believe then that God has heard the prayer and granted healing, the sickness will leave." I.e., the cloth is the evangelist's presence.

It clicked. "Oh," I thought, thinking of a miracle healing I had received, "the Intelligence was as a cloth."

"Say what?" you ask.

Some years ago I was contemplating the phenomenon of matter. You see, when the power of light perceives observation, it becomes matter. Scientists had always thought light was both wave and particle, because they had always observed it as such. The double-slit tests of 1925 proved that light exists as wave until the moment it is observed by conscience, at which point it becomes particulate.

On the night I was healed I considered, "God is light, and His intelligence becomes whatever it believes it is." As I was getting ready to bed, I entered something of a reverie, almost a spooky trance. The walls, the floor, the water and the air were all to me alive -- the intelligence of the Consciousness of the Ineffable in the act of manifestation. I was, and was in the presence of, God's intelligence; I was mind walking and operating in mind. It was an odd perspective, perhaps like Moses' seeing God's hind parts (i.e., through God's eyes).

That night my left neck to shoulder was throbbing in pain from the arthritis/bone spurs in my neck. My chiropractor had advised me to never sleep on my left side, as that would aggravate the problem. I sat on my bed as in a dream, in the intelligence of God. The wall and window, the bed and covers, the floor and the air I breathed were alive as the manifestation of God. Talk about a natural "high." I was acutely aware that this (everything) was God's presence. As I reclined, I thought to myself (but addressing the Intelligence about my pain), "You can heal me." Before my head touched the pillow the pain was gone. I lay there marveling for awhile, and fell asleep.

What clicked reading T.L. Osborn's comment was that the intelligence I perceived that night was as a prayer cloth laid on me - it embodied God's presence as cloths convey the evangelists' touch. I consecrated it upon myself by observation, and it became what it believed it was: me without pain.

When God "said," He THOUGHT. It is all becoming manifest by natural means. Every quantum particle is His intelligence assuming it IS what it thinks it is. All matter is His power which has been observed. Observed by what I do not know, but imagination defines what it is to FORM. Same intelligence, different level or function perhaps.

(I have got to see if I can change this into a Heading For Healing article.)


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