The Becoming God

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Promise And The Fault In The Stars: The Change Of Life-source "Sap" Is Not Ours, Part 2

I write this because increasing your vibrational state cannot get you there. The universe cannot do it for you. Not anytime soon, anyway. The span between our knowledge and the Highest's is too great. We are always starting off in ignorance and, in a word, "You can't get there from here."

The bridging of the gap has to be IMPOSED. We need an assist, for we could never do it on our own. There needs to be a STRUCTURAL link between our and the Highest's states given to us. While we do not want to leave home without it, we cannot make it. Attitudinally, it has to be ACCEPTED, received. While we might desperately want it, we have to accept it as a victim of it: lowly, humbled, contrite, surrendered, submitted, accepting, and honoring That which is greater and better than we: the All. Mentally totally and utterly prostrated. The Person of the conscious field is the One who then elects to establish the connection between our state and Its highest states. It plugs us in, elevates us through our death; we just need tosubmit to it.

It is a structural link: our bubble of dumb gets connected better to the Power and the Wisdom of the Highest of the field. Q: How much do we have to surrender to the consciousness God is? A: As much as Jesus surrendered at Gethsemane through to his crucifixion. I.e., no limit. The church has been much misled by the Greek corruption of Mark 15:34. In Aramaic Jesus said, "Eil, Eil, to this You destined me." Why? Because Jesus is the illustration, an everyman, and his death is the fate of every child born of woman. Full and complete surrender to whatever the Person of the Consciousness wills is the destiny of all. And when we get there in full (after our three days in the grave), resurrection! The link, full and strong, becomes established. Our bubble gets stretched from here to its place at the top in the "heavenlies."

What I am getting at is that the universe cannot change the input of our spiritual plumbing from Ignorance to Intelligence no matter how much we command it. It is incapable of ever doing it for us. We and it cannot -- will not ever be able to -- generate the purity of the Highest of the Divine Field. It has to be given to us: bequeathed, imposed, applied. We have to be imbued with it. We ourselves cannot do the imbuement; it is a gift. Our part is only to find the attitude and submit to receive the imbuement. It IS given. All that remains is for us to receive it, and that must be done in the attitude of utter submission. Were there another way Jesus would not have had to die, for there would have been other words -- other illustrations in God's language -- outlining the other way. As it is, Jesus HAD TO die, for that is the ONLY way for us to attain to eternal life.

The techniques work only because the theology is true. Were nothing there, nothing would happen. Answer to prayer is validation of the theology. If nothing happens when you pray, maybe you should ought to check out your theology. There might be something lacking. The structural link to the Highest's Life is a change in our spiritual plumbing. We get hooked up to a new life-source, to a higher Sap. This connection is the mark God places upon His people. We already have the mark of the "beast," Ignorance. We were born with that. Die from it and this life of ignorance by surrendering to the Light, Life, and Love of the Divine Intelligence. You have got to let Him do it, for there is no one else who can.


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