The Becoming God

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Siti's Narrow Gate Adventures

From Siti. Subject: narrow gate


When my parents were filled with the Spirit everything changed. They came in touch with Kenneth Hagen’s teachings and absorbed them like a sponge. But it was their reading the Scriptures and proving it out that kept them going and being persistent.

Hagen, Wigglesworth, Copeland were examples for us in the beginning, but as we read more and prayed, Dad began to receive through the word that he was one with God, as we all are. He believed the same way that Neville talks of “I AM,” and you could not convince him otherwise. Of course at first I would say, “Yeah, but you are not God.” Then he would say, “The Word tells me that I AM.

Then in 1981 I was in India, in a village called Darjeeling, West Bengal. I wanted to get a permit that would allow me to stay longer and not have to show up at the checkpoint each week. So I asked God/prayed/ believed that permit in. The only words that came to mind were “I AM”...and my response was, “Yeah, but I’m not God.” That really bothered me, so I pondered on that for a couple of days, and nights, reading that passage in Exodus (edit: ref. to Exodus 14:15-16). But I went ...

I felt like I was going to see Pharaoh in Calcutta to obtain the permit to preach and teach God’s ways amongst this fellowship of believers in Darjeeling.

I made my way down the mountain to the government buildings in the big city, and found the office and the man whom I needed to see to obtain my permit. He was a kind man, very chatty and interested in what I was doing. Then he asked me, “ Who sent you to see me?” I said, “I AM sent me.” We were drinking coffee and tea and had refills. The man then said, “Be here tomorrow at ten, and I will have it for you.” I said, “I’ll be here.” No sooner had I left the office/building when I became very nauseous. I made my way back to my guest house where I stayed in the city. I became violently ill, throwing up out of both ends for 24 hrs. I was quoting all the healing scriptures I knew between the bed and the toilet. I felt completely wrung out when I returned to the office. When I showed up in the office, the man fell out of his chair with his jaw open. I said, “Good morning, Mr. Muukarjee. I’m back.” I knew then that he was not expecting me, and the coffee I had the day before was “spiked.” He ordered the permit right away from a man in another office who brought it... in a matter of minutes. I thanked him and went my way.

I made the journey back to Darjeeling and showed the pastor and his fellowship the permit. They were all amazed that I even received it. The pastor said, “You realize of course this is a communist state.” I said to him, “That means nothing to my God.”

That is just one incident/experience I encountered out of unnumbered in the last 40 some years, with government officials of various stripes, in various countries.

It wasn’t until my parents passed, especially Dad, that God began to give me understanding. Dad used to say to others, “Siti does the work of Jesus and doesn’t even know it or realize what’s in her.” It wasn’t until I started listening to Neville that I understood my Dad and how my journey in Christ has been.

Three months after I experienced the infilling of the Spirit, the pastor of a fellowship my parents attended said that the Lord spoke to him, that I should accompany a lady to Hawaii so she could see her daughter who was in hospital there. I went. The first visit to the hospital, I saw some patients who were watching Billy Graham on tv. Suddenly the tv was turned off, so I prayed for these patients and one by one these patients were released to go home during that week. By the end of the second week, I was not allowed to be on hospital grounds until I see the administrator first. For during that second week I followed a colored line on the corridor floor to each nurses station and asked which patients had no visitors come. They directed me to their rooms and pointed them out to me. I would visit with them and then pray. I did this throughout the hospital until security said, “No more visits.”

So, I went to the administrator, and he said to me, “What are you doing here? You are not a Doctor!” I said, “No, I’m not. But Jesus is the healer, and he’s the only one who can set them free, and by 2 pm tomorrow afternoon you will release my friend's daughter to her custody, regardless of your court order.”

I returned with my friend the next day, and we left the hospital with her daughter. We went to Makaha shores, and my friend's daughter received her healing during our week stay there.

I’m sorry this is so lengthy, but I had to share these two experiences of how His Spirit was leading me regardless of me knowing the “ins and outs.” Like T.L. Osborn, I believed the Word as Truth and went with it. And so I have travelled the world this way...never having done a fundraiser, just knowing that He’s my source.



They had good tea up there in Darjeeling, no doubt. I hope your readers here perceive that this world is not as it seems from our normal human experience and education, but is really AS THE BIBLE SAYS. I mean, it really IS. THAT is the reality we are in and of. Our immediate goals are to learn as much as possible of it and to wake up in it. While the spiritual world may appear to be fantasy and magic-like, it is this carnal, "normal" world which is the fantasy. We have to shift from this delusional world we were birthed into to the spiritual world of real reality, and it is all done in the mind. Like Dr. John Messer said, "The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes." For they are emotion and thought -- imagination. Thank you for sharing.


PS: Some interesting reading for those who really like to read: What I Believe by Leo Tolstoy


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