Siti's View: Eschatology
(If I ever made a dime on this site, I would owe Siti a nickle.)
I grew up somewhat similar to your Christian background, and like you not long ago I found Neville. I have also found a handful of others, but Neville and things my father shared spoke to my Spirit.
I spent the first eight years of my life in southern rural Holland, a very Catholic environment. We immigrated to America in 1960 but only went to a church occasionally.
A big change came in the mid-seventies when my parents experienced a breakdown in their marriage. They both cried out to God (as they understood him to be)...and He met them: first my Mom, then my Dad, filling them with His Spirit and experience, the release of “tongues.” They had no fellowship of any kind with “born again” Christians or “Spirit Filled” Christians when this occurred, a totally new/foreign experience...which brought them back together.
I began to see major changes in their behavior that drew me in...mainly their attitudes and their non-judgmental conversations towards each other and us kids (younger brother and myself).
The Bible was suddenly very visible and READ more than anything else, and that included the disappearance of the tv. Pamphlets on the “Spirit, Soul and Body” and the “Authority of the Believer” by Hagen, Lake, Wigglesworth, Tozer, Copeland were read.
Manifestations of things my parents were believing in began to appear. As Neville would say, “Believe the end into being,” is how they would talk and pray.
I agree, Neville is a teacher I have heard and can learn from. He is solid and purposeful in his teaching and always in the Scriptures.
I am reminded of what Jesus said, “Shall I find faith in the earth?”...something I rarely hear Christians say or talk about here in the southern states. Also: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
The world is not stable (never has been), not in Jacob's time, the Prophets' or Jesus’ day.
Jesus said, “Then if a human being tells you ‘look, here is the Messiah,' or 'There,' do not believe it" (Alexander’s Aramaic translation). "For many false Messiahs and false Prophets" - all of which are of Caesar’s world: the priesthood, scientists, world leaders (my translation) - "will rise and give forth signs and wonders as if to mislead even the chosen.)
Josephus may have played both sides of the fence.
There are things Neville said that I know not of. If I am to know, I trust the Spirit to lead me to that understanding.
I must remember this: the “children of Israel” are my desires and beliefs which I must sow. The “sea” is the world of facts (sin, lies and delusions) that are contrary to truth. “Divide it” is to put my faith in the sea of contrary facts by faith to create my desired world (heaven on earth "must be being done") within it.
That reminds me of a teaching: There are two wolves fighting inside all of us (...Esau and Jacob maybe). The first one is evil, the second one is good...which wolf will win?...the one you feed! That’s Eschatology!
PS: He said “Occupy till I come”.
Keep on dreaming/faithing
Thank you, Siti.
Siti, you said, "Manifestations of things my parents were believing in began to appear. As Neville would say, 'Believe the end into being,' is how they would talk and pray." Your parents (and you, obviously) learned Christianity. Neville's lecture "Creation Faith" comes to mind. Not to struggle to believe, for that implies not having, but to be LOYAL to the idea of HAVING, implying that what is desired is POSSESSED. T.L. Osborn said many times that he had no gift of healing, no tingles or ecstasy or vision - nothing like that. He just had...just had...the written word of the Bible WHICH HE BELIEVED because he had seen Jesus. He just preached it as truth, and people were healed. There is a narrow gate there: the belief that I (whoever you are) am loyalty to that unseen reality.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:00 AM
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