Appreciation of God on a Big Scale -- He Has Given You ETERNAL Life (Assembly Required)
The ineffable Most High desired to be manifest, to have form. It was not manifest as yet. What would Its consciousness, the Ineffable's only possible action, be in form? The Ineffable imagined a form with Its characteristics: Its Manifestation, the Milta (Aramaic). Whatever the Milta's "form" was, the Milta incorporated ALL the characteristics of the ineffable Most High. The Milta was (and is) the Ineffable's Perfect Image.
There was man planned on the earth. The Ineffable planned to act WITH and BY the Milta to make man into Its image. "Let Us make man in Our image." Man would have all of the characteristics the Ineffable had imagined in the Milta, the Milta creatively imagining the man to be so ALSO. All this was before there was a man on the earth, or even an earth. It was all just PLANNED.
There have been some hiccups along the way, but God's intention has always been to for us, "man," to exist as It in form eternally. That is a high calling, not one we can pull off by ourselves. The Milta receives its characteristics from the ineffable Most High. We receive our characteristics from the Milta, which, yes, is the Ineffable manifest. To pull it off, the Milta had to become the man that was planned, just as the Ineffable had become the Milta. Through becoming the man that was planned, the Milta has made that eternal life with all the characteristics of the ineffable Most High available to us. IF YOU HAVE GOT HIM, AND HE HAS GOT YOU, YOU HAVE THAT ETERNAL LIFE.
"In the beginning [of creation] there was the Milta; and that Milta was with God; and God was [the embodiment of] that Milta. This was in the Beginning with God. Everything was in his hand, and without his hand, not one [thing that] became would have become. Through him [there] was life everlasting, and life became the light of humanity. And that [ensuing] light lights the darkness and darkness does not overshadow it.
"There was a man sent by God, his name [was] John [the Baptist]. He came for that testimony, to testify [concerning] the light, so that every human [being] may [come] to believe by his [hand]. He was not the light, except that he was to testify the light. There was the light of the truth, that which gives life to everyone who is born. He comes to the universe, and the universe [came into being] by his hand, and the people did not know Him. He came to his own and his own did not receive him. 12. But all those who did receive him, He assigned them to be sons of God, [to them] who believed in his name; They who [did not become so] through blood, nor through the will of the flesh and neither through the power of maturity; except they became born [so] from God. And the Milta became flesh and made his dwelling amongst us, and we saw His glory, glory as [that] uniquely [of the nature] of the Creator, Full of grace and blessing" (John 1:1-14 Alexander, footnotes incorporated).
The Milta, full of grace and blessing, by Jesus Christ GAVE us eternal life. It is GIVEN!! We just need to accept it and receive it, believing and thanking Him for it.
Hi Dan, I really appreciate this post. I love the point you make at the end, we must RECEIVE His gifts. There is always a sense that I must be "doing" something more to find God, to prove He exists in me. When I reflect on some of the more profound experiences that I have had, they more often than not, were not in meditation or contemplation, they came during mundane moments. If God wants to communicate with me, He will. I only need to be open to RECEIVE, to allow. I don't have to read another book, listen to another Neville lecture, be deep into the quiet of my mind. He is always available. Learning to remain open and receptive, to allow His gifts to come to me is essential. I reflect often on the Rabbi Cooper meditation you shared on the name YHVH. A hand reaching out to me, offering me His gifts must have an open hand extended to His, to receive them. I truly must change so much of my thinking and my beliefs on my worthiness. Thanks for sharing this post. Starting my day off with this food for thought is great.
Cheryl C
ccraig, at 5:02 AM
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