The Becoming God

Friday, July 09, 2021

The Most Important Thing I Have Ever Learned: It Is

While I am a big fan of Neville Goddard, I am also cognizant of my own phenomenal history. Things HAVE occurred. I fully understand what Neville meant when he said, "You know now that the Bible has no reference at all to any persons that ever existed, or to any events that ever occurred upon earth" (1948 Lesson 5, "Remain Faithful To Your Idea"). Yet I am also certain that what the Bible is talking about is absolutely true. The world really IS the way the Bible says it is; in a spiritual way, "concretely."

Let me cut to the chase: the Bible "works." Whether or not he ever physically walked upon the earth, there really IS a Jesus Christ. He certainly exists and acts as a psychological value, as "consciousness." Did he, the Milta, ever incarnate as a baby human? How am I to know? I was not there. But he acts NOW, in my life. That is proof enough for me. Even if the biblical story is symbolic illustration, apparently he acted in the authors' lives back then, too. And centuries-worth of theophanies, anthropomorphisms, and accumulated prophecies up until then would indicate that Consciousness planned and expected - imagined - him in a literal, physical sense.

My point is that whether literal or figurative, the EFFECT is the same. All any of us has is the story, and it WORKS, so he must be true. He monitors us from inside 24/7. He responds when spoken to/believed in faith. He even intervenes unbidden at times. Everything says that he is there. Indeed, they say, "I am here."

When as my imagination Jesus spoke into my brain PHYSICALLY, I knew that he was real and powerful in a transcendent way. When Charles Hunter asked him to make everyone's limbs the right length, I watched my arm grow out a mere half inch or so, but it DID. It couldn't, and it wouldn't, if he wasn't. But he IS. WHAT he is, I do not know. As a theologian, I have much thought on it. I do not want to obfuscate the point: whatever Jesus Christ is, it is real. Much more real than anything else in this world.

This world is a combination of God's and our fantasies, and as these fantasies are thought, so it is. Whatever Jesus Christ is in the field of Divine Consciousness, the Intelligence, he is the de facto effector of thoughts. "Come unto me," he says. No, he really DOES say that to us. To everyone who will listen, whether they will respond or not. And there is the rub: do you believe he is real to be gone to, or not? That he is real you can take to the bank. Exactly what he is, I'm afraid I can't help you. But he is more real than me, so go.


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