The Becoming God

Friday, May 01, 2020

How God is Only Good With Negativity in Us Without Duality

An inquiry from Anonymous 9:27:

"I don't understand how the negative could be only in us if there is no duality, no separation from God; if there is only God in the world; if "I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal" ....?"

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you for the excellent question. "Exactamundo!" shouts the professor, "That is the question!"

First of all, let me address the concept of "us." Our problem with concepts is our "God" is too small. Our experience is that of the Manifestation of the Ineffable. We humans are not the Manifestation, we are in and of the Manifestation. In "the negative is only in us," "us" isn't just us, it is the Manifestation. The Ineffable's whole Manifestation is lacking something. It is "on the way"--not fully cooked. In the present Manifestation, there is a balance due to what it shall become when it is fully reconciled to the Ineffable ("Eye does not see and ear does not hear, and over the heart does not rise the thing God graced to those who mercy Him" (1 Cor 2:9 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction, Alexander).

The Manifestation is fully integrated into, but is not fully like, the Ineffable as the Ineffable was before It had a manifestation. In eternity past, the stuff the Ineffable is (whatever that is) morphed from unconscious to conscious, from unaware to aware, from ignorant to knowing. From the Ineffable's beginning till now, consciousness has been Its only manifestation, and that consciousness has gone materialistic. The balance due is the deficit in our likeness to the Ineffable we are the manifestation of.

Let me note that negativity is essential to change. God is both sides. All sides. This is just Him becoming Him, It more like It. The Ineffable's own development to only good is being replicated in the OVERALL by the negativity of our ignorance being OVERCOME.

So we have a God--the Ineffable--Who is only good, Who has EXPANDED into having a part with a deficit, due to the expanded part's ignorance of that goodness. The Ineffable Big Guy is genuinely eternal--he's got a lot of time to kill. He figured it out; he has faith that His manifestation will also figure it out. His becoming the Milta, the Manifestation, was the crucifixion. That's what the recent death of Jesus memorialized. By the way, as the END of the universe's BEGINNING, Christ is the promised END of the wisdom and power of God's becoming--God incarnate in the full effulgence of the Ineffable.

Are you getting it, Anonymous? I am trying to make it as clear as I can. The Big Guy is a big God: There was an infinity-pervading force which became conscious, aware, and self-defined as good. Its consciousness was the whole of Its manifestation. "As above, so below," as now Its consciousness becomes manifest. The Ineffable is still just one thing, but now It is tri-part or tri-modal. The parts are not equal in function and knowledge, but they are still the Ineffable. The Ineffable is only good, but the expanded parts of Him are dumb, ignorant--not up to speed. "I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal"--because we are Him. There is no duality, no separation, but there is negativity--the deficit--isolated in the expansion. If you could imagine an infinite, invisible force, then give it consciousness, and then that consciousness form in dimensions--all as an integrated whole--I think you'd have a pretty good picture of God.

One last illustration: imagine you grew another leg all of a sudden. What do you do with it? How do you walk now, jump, and run? Your leg has got some learning to do. You are still you, but now you've got something dumb. But it will catch on ...


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