The Becoming God

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Theme of the World is Reproduction

The human body does just one thing: reproduce. All is for that, for what is reproduced. “Multiply and increase, and fill the earth and its environments” (Genesis 1:28 Alexander) was the first commandment to man (everything else was already doing it). “And have authority over all that other stuff,” was the second commandment. These are about MIND, thought, consciousness.

Sure, we live, learn, and work. All is for reproduction. We build a house and marry, and it is for reproduction. Someone observed that we are not people who have gonads; we are gonads that have people. We marry to assure protection and nurturing for the child. For this is an IMAGIC world: we are to outflow and protect like God outflows and protects. We have congregations for spiritual reproduction. Prophecy, preaching, miracles are for reproduction of Living Spirit. The school of the prophets is a school of preachers; to prophesy is to preach. Truth is the subject.

We do not GET reproduction; we FACILITATE reproduction. Sarah became young again (!) to bear Isaac. The woman with an issue of blood, a “daughter” who was dying, became a young woman (!) to be fed that she might bear Light (see Job 33:25-30).

Reproduction is Life, consciousness. The knowledge of good and evil introduced confusion, ignorance. The ideas of separation, selfishness, and Satan come from ignorance. And death. “Jesus” is God poured outward. We are to be according to the theme: reproducing. Prophesy and preach Life to reproduce the Living Spirit in others. Give what is freely given; and receive pressed down, shaken together and overflowing TO GIVE MORE.

God started a work. We call it creation. He is consciousness; it was imagination. He imagined what was to become. His light would facilitate it. His wisdom would guide it. His nature would manifest it. Man was Eve, the mother of all living. What is living is acquired, but it is transitory. Imagination must be reproduced by imagination as we become.


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