The Becoming God

Friday, December 20, 2019

Heading For Healing 14: the Finisher

I got the Finisher title from Jan Aldridge on this episode of Sid Roth, where she quotes the "audible" voice of God as saying, "I was not the author of this, but I shall be the Finisher." The principle of God undoing the works of the Devil goes back to William Marrion Branham’s teaching and the Beginning. That teaching/principle is that all deformity and deviation from God-likeness was caused by Satan at the fall of man in the Book of Genesis. I hold that “Satan” is the ignorance of the Ineffable’s imagination, of which we are manifestations, and that that specific ignorance is what God is fixing in us. Well, that’s all me, but I think I have Branham's and the Beginning's drift. “Satan” is in my mind a personification of ignorance, an effectual and real power of the Ineffable’s consciousness.

The point is: it is the ignorance which has caused all problems, illnesses, deformities, and heartache. These are not the intention of the Ineffable, but He intends their elimination in our becoming fixed. Ignorance was the cause; He is the Finisher. And the finished Him is “fixed.”

What would it be like to be fixed, if you were fixed in truth? How would that feel if it were really, really true? What would YOU be like? God’s already imagined intent for you is that end fixed state, and THAT was your creation. Jan's fixed state was for her to be normal. Do you believe God can heal you? Yes. Do you believe God will heal you? Yes. She testified God HAD healed her, and then it came.


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