The Becoming God

Friday, December 27, 2019

Nothing in the Nons

The non-Pentecostal, non-Charismatic churches rightly criticize the chaos of the Charismatic and Pentecostal churches. “There are false prophets and lying signs and wonders over there,” they LOUDLY proclaim. “We ain’t got nuthin’ like that over here.”

Exactamundo, my friend. You don’t have a Satanic attack messing with you and your doctrines at all. Because God ain’t doing anything with you over there outside the kahal. For me, I’ll stay right in the midst of the place of struggle between truth and falsehood. The truth is over here, else Satan wouldn’t be fighting it with false teachers, false prophets, lying signs, and doctrinal errors. THIS is the place to work out what is right. The Devil didn’t fight the Pharisees or Sadducees, for the nons had nothing he was interested in. He fought JESUS.

I find great comfort in Satan attacking everything in the Pentecostal camp. I LISTEN TO HIM. Then I search the scriptures to work out the truth. In this way Satan is very enlightening. E.g., it just occurred to me minutes ago why the many who say, “Lord, Lord, did we not ... in Your Name?” are rejected. They are saying that THEY did it IN His Name. Not that HE did it THROUGH them. They see separation between themselves and God. They deny the oneness of God, thus, “I never knew you . . . as ONE.” They never really surrendered or submitted to God. They just had a doctrine that they had.

Yes, there are all the problems you say there are, BUT WE ARE TO WORK THROUGH THEM WITH GOD. Satan ain’t squat to worry about. I much prefer him to calling God a liar as you, outside of the camp, do. He said that if you ask for the Holy Spirit, you shall receive Her safely without concern for serpents or stones. YOU say Her gifts and manifestations are demonic, of Satan. You will not touch Her, except to say that you have a doctrine that you already have Her SANS ANY EVIDENCE.

Good luck, buddy.


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