The Becoming God

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

God Never Changes His Hat

Leave them alone. That's what Neville Goddard about dealing with the traditional church. They are blind leading blind who will never be convinced by argument or reason. Check. But one of their chief men said that Modalists believe the one God "changes his hats" from Father to Holy Spirit to Son according to whichever mode he is operating in. That is absurd. The triune modes the one God exists in are constant. There is the incomprehensible, ineffable Most High (..?) No-thing which is the source of all things; there is Its consciousness--Spirit--which as imagination is the cause of all things; and there is the Milta, which is the Manifestation of all of It. I would shorten these to Spirit, Mind, and Matter, but that would just confuse you.

The thing is, these modes are constant. "God" is one, big, harmonious, integrated, organic unit which exists and operates in all three distinct modes simultaneously. Each mode has Its role and function, and operates in proper relationship with the others within the Whole. There are three modes, but it is just one Guy Who exists in and as them as His constant nature. His one mode is three modes.

Well, while I am here I might as well address another absurdity from the same men: cessation of the gifts. You might as well say the cessation of the church or the cessation of the Holy Spirit. The end of the Season of Grace introduced the Age to Come. It HAS COME. Granted, there are a bunch of stupid nut-cases in it, but the even worse nut-cases are those who are waiting for it to come! Dude, WAKE UP. Opportunity is slipping by. The Age introduced is not going to be less that its introduction. Grab the humility to surrender and submit to the One Guy and His three Modes you have offended. And stop being so argumentative. Calvinism shouldn't even be a doctrine; it is just an observation subject to refinement and revision.


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