The Becoming God

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Heading For Healing 10: Merciful PR

Baptized and anointed, Jesus went about healing. Evangelists witness healings. Kathryn Kuhlman-type crusades and local miracle services witness healings. Even I have had healings. Why? One reason is I have a big mouth. I meet a pretty young thing with a come hither look, and I'm like, "Hi. I'm married and have been healed. I was at Melodyland Christian Center, and . . . " God likes PR. He demonstrates His power to impress and to get ADVERTIZING. We are healed to attract and promote others to the right relationship. We are part of the pronouncement of His love and merciful nature. There is a reason we hear of foxhole conversions: in the most literal of hells guys pray, "Save me, and I promise to preach Your glory." And the shells stop. Or they fall all around and the guy walks away without a scratch, shell shocked in another way--that “He” is here, he hears, and he is powerful. So they PREACH His glory.

Pharaoh and Egypt were set up to impress everyone with their fall. Why else King Saul? It is all through the Bible. They provided demonstration, impression, advertisement. The guy born blind, too. Whose sin was it this guy was born blind? Niet. He was set up to demonstrate God. Bam. He's healed, and he TALKED. God knows where we are going. Jesus was as he was for God to be SEEN. I was destined to write this stuff. Are you going to talk? To witness? To preach? God wants to get the Gospel about Him PUBLISHED in all the world. What we think becomes our world. It is PUBLISHED. What's in your publishment?


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