The Becoming God

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

The Elastic States Of The Messiah

This draft is in process. Thought you might like to see it anyway:

The much announced Season of Grace (between the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem, including Daniel's 70 weeks) was to end in a messiah cut off not for himself, effective posthumously.

At the Beginning of everything, the seed of woman crushed Satan's head. This was to be illustrated in the Season. The Only Begotten Son of God given indicates there are others not begotten. God's forces are already begotten in everything AS everything.

Conscii--i.e., “angels,” messengers--were begotten before they evolved into spirit beings before the earth existed, but have since been "gods" to many peoples. They appear to be messengers devoted to a religion based upon increase in nature. I.e., for billions of years they have witnessed spontaneous increase as the natural order, Jethro (!), and recognized "dat ain't right." There must be an ineffable Cause for increase in nature, else they, we, and everything else could not exist. Up the flagpole, they salute It. "You cannot get something from nothing unless you have No-thing to get it from." -Me. The principle of increase in nature is the Word of God, the Ineffable's signature feature, indication, evidence.

As a principle, the Word of God cannot incarnate. But conscii, including humans, can incarnate principles by manifesting them in their/his/her attitudes and actions. What they (we) themselves become is the Word of God, the Ineffable's "Milta" (Aramaic), Its Manifestation. Was the Season of Grace messiah conscii such a Word of God? Must have been. What was his message? "You can do this, too." The state it was in, we can be in. The state stretches to include you, if you want to become it.

How does it stretch? The Son of the Ineffable ('son' being Its imagination) was EVERYTHING THAT WOULD EVER BE. Its descent into manifestation covers everything! Every sin can be forgiven, because it is all him. There is not any thing that can happen It did not become. Therefore It can forgive to any imaginable extent. It stretches to you. The states of the messiah are present and enterable. When he died for all, all died. Stretch, you are in it. When he arose, stretch, you are in it. Ascended, there you ARE, seated in the heavenlies. When you enter a room, the risen savior - God Almighty - enters, too. Not next to you, not with you, but AS you. You you.

There is objective reality to states. You are whatever state God thinks you are. Christ's substitution, propitiation, redemption, etc., is an objective reality. For him. For you, it's a stretch. The crucifixion, the three days in hell, repentant you have been that one. Grateful, appreciative, and loving, you are the new one. Well, he is...and he stretches it to you. I recommend saying, "Thanks!" a lot for your objective reality. Manifest it by doing what he says.


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