The Becoming God

Friday, August 09, 2019

Two Evolutions: We Are Conscious Beings Inside Of Physical Beings

Physical evolution is but an imagic depiction of spiritual evolution. We are conscious beings inside physical beings. Kind of taking a ride (sorry, hope I’m not crowding you, friend). We both are evolving: the physical guy through my wife’s and my children, and maybe my refrigerator; and me through the ride. A bunch of other lives, both physical and spiritual, influence my evolution, too. Especially by my reaction to them.

Interestingly, our coming to know this indicates that we are nearing a stage of spiritual evolution; i.e., graduation to a higher state. That’s why Jesus said at the end of his life, “To this I was destined” (Alexander; stated as "For this you destined me" in his Story of Jesus). There are a lot of people who do not and are not going to take interest in this anytime soon. Yet millions of people afar off suddenly receive exposure to this knowledge and pursue it unto the next state.

Hearing about it does not guarantee anything, of course. It is the doers who prepare themselves for ascension. Of course, doing has absolutely nothing to do with supporting scam artist ministers or ministries. It is the actual ministry of Truth one does — love, pray, do good, teach, etc.; i.e., submission to God and assumption — that leads to evolution. Darwin’s Galapagos Islands are a nice imagic metaphor. Land animals had to swim a lot in order to survive, and evolved to swim. Swim. What were Moses, Gautama, Jesus, and Neville doing when they evolved? Do that.

Hmm. Physical evolution is horizontal, and spiritual evolution is vertical. It's almost like we were the focal point of some kind of pattern or something, someplace special to evolve in.


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