The Becoming God

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Imagine the Success of Everything

I cannot help you with your particular job, but perhaps I can help you with your work. Work being what you do psychologically. With so much psychic phenomena documented, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the world is imagination based. Consciousness is the whole of it. Your job, therefore, is subject to your work, your psychological work. It is subject to your mental attitudes, how you feel about it, your intentions and plans, how you apply yourself, etc.; i.e., to your IMAGINATION.

I am a fan of Neville Goddard's discussions about such work. Neville was from a poor but proud family in Barbados. He wound up literally penniless in New York during the Great Depression. He learned some things about the Bible about the time his family had a big turn around in Barbados. He put them together and had a big revelation (they did not necessarily happen at the same time, but he did see their association in nature). On the island, one of his brothers would daily pass a large concern which had a sign with its owner's name on it. When his brother would see the sign, he consistently imagined it being his family's name, Goddard, on it. That is how he saw it.

The business came up for sale, and of course he had not a plug nickle to put toward buying it. Another businessman wanted it, but if the sellers knew he was interested, they would demand a high price. Knowing the Goddard's to be trustworthy and honest, he offered to loan Neville's brother the money to buy the place and repay the loan by running the business. The Goddard's were on their way to becoming one of the wealthiest families on the island.

Neville, in New York, learned that the world is subject to imagination, and that God is imagination itself. Just as his brother had imagined his name onto the sign in Barbados, Neville imagined himself onto Barbados. He had told his Bible teacher that, after a long absence, he wanted to visit his island home of Barbados. "You are in Bardos," his teacher said. "I am in Barbados?" he asked incredulously. "Yes, you are in Barbados, and you went there first class!"

Long story short: Neville found out that it was true: an imagined end becomes physical reality. We do it all the time -- we just don't recognize it. We don't associate the end we are experiencing with the thoughts we had before it. In truth, what we think does not become a thought in the past; it proceeds into the future to become our experience. We shine our light, as it were, and then it becomes seen. Capiche? This is one of God's ways of talking with us: "This is what you are." (Expletive deleted.)

God is not a shining guy sitting in a big chair. "It" is That Which Is Conscious. The universe, including us, is that consciousness manifest. Everything is the imagination, the consciousness of That Which Is Conscious, and thus is That Which Is Conscious. God is all -- everything.

It is there and here. One thing, but 'here' is Son to 'there', the Father. What do we do? We do what It does: It calls what is not formed as though it were, and what is not formed becomes formed. THAT is what we are doing with our thoughts and beliefs and fears and angers and rejections and . . . . We call, and they become manifest. This is actually quantum physics 101.

So we need to learn to live in the end that is right. To see it and believe it and expect it and receive it. Everything according to the Golden Rule, and with Grace and Love.

Here are some youtube videos about Neville's "technique":


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