Ouspensky-Neville Goddard Observations, And My Two Cents
Neville surely knew Ouspensky's concept of Recurrence. From the chapter on Eternal Recurrence in Ouspensky's A New Model of the Universe:
Evolution, i.e. improvement, must come from the past. It is not enough to evolve in the future, even if this were possible. We cannot leave behind us the sins of our past. We must not forget that nothing disappears. Everything is eternal. Everything that has been is still in existence. The whole history of humanity is "the history of crime", and the material for this history continually grows. We cannot go far forward with such a past as ours. The past still exists, and it gives and will give its results, creating new and ever new crimes. Evil begets evil. In order to destroy the evil-consequence it is necessary to destroy the evil-cause. If the cause of the evil lies in the past, it is useless to look for it in the present. And man must go back, seek for and destroy the causes of evil, however far back they may lie. It is only in this idea that a hint of the possibility of a general evolution can be found.
From Neville Goddard's The Law and the Promise:
Man and his past are one continuous structure. This structure contains all of the facts which have been conserved and still operate below the threshold of his surface mind. For him it is merely history. For him it seems unalterable — a dead and firmly fixed past. But for itself, it is living — it is part of the living age. He cannot leave behind him the mistakes of the past, for nothing disappears. Everything that has been is still in existence. The past still exists, and it gives — and still gives — its results. Man must go back in memory, seek for and destroy the causes of evil, however far back they lie. This going into the past and replaying a scene of the past in imagination as it ought to have been played the first time, I call revision — and revision results in repeal.
Changing your life means changing the past. The causes of any present evil are the unrevised scenes of the past. The past and the present form the whole structure of man; they are carrying all of its contents with it. Any alteration of content will result in an alteration in the present and future.
Live nobly — so that mind can store a past well worthy of recall. Should you fail to do so, remember, the first act of correction or cure is always — "revise."
End comment.
Thank you, Anonymous. Neville’s Ouspensky-ish comment comes in The Law and the Promise after his discussion of a woman long plagued by pain from a childhood accident (p.19). Having learned of the process of revision, she in imagination uncreated the accident by revising the memory. To her new memory, it had nor occurred. Her chronic pain, caused by the long-passed crime against her, ceased.
I disagree with Ouspensky and Neville's take on it. Recurrence as I understand it is the manifestation of our condition. Our condition is the compilation of all of our experience. When I encountered God in the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I was as weighed down as much as a man may be with crime and sin -- my whole life! I found a way to wholly and completely humble myself and surrender, submit to God. I nothinged myself, and waited for his directions. He said, "Remember this, and it is all right." THAT experience voided all the other, prior crimes and sins. I was forgiven. Carte blanche, tabla rasa, or whatever you want to call it -- I had a blank slate. Yes, YHWH brings to mind things that need to be revisited and repented of, revised. I don't have to go hunting for them. When they arise, I bring them under that grace. God's grace is enough. My name for it is 'Jesus'.
I agree with you. I don't go hunting, but if event from my seeming past comes to mind and I want to revise, then I do. I'm enjoying your blog!
MikeBrignac, at 10:49 PM
If the universe works like a big computer program and if recurrence is true, then revision is overwrite. Ouspensky was after the ultimate hack, which wold be remembering the future.
Anonymous, at 7:49 AM
Or, my memory IN the future.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:55 PM
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