The Becoming God

Sunday, August 04, 2019

I Am Increase

Just caught another light on Exodus 3:14's "I AM THAT 'I AM'":

In So Many Things To Consider 11: The Religion Of The Conscii And The Evolved God, I said, "These evolved-to-the-next-stage beings would know that they owe their existence to that first-evolved life which gave its life that we might live. And I am proposing here that THAT IS THEIR RELIGION. Thus the Conscii -- countless megajillions of them -- are ministering spirits, angels of the grace and glory of the First Life. We call upon God, they answer. Their God is the First Life's information of life broadcast through the quantum entanglement to the singularity making all life possible. From the First Life comes all increase. That power to increase is the kingdom of God, the Jethro, 'His Excellence' Moses was interested in: 'What is that?' 'We are that,' the Conscii believe. And we are, too."

Again, "From the First Life comes all increase. That power to increase is the kingdom of God, the Jethro, 'His Excellence' Moses was interested in: 'What is that?' 'We are that,' the Conscii believe. And we are, too." We, along with the conscii, are the increase in the universe made possible by the First Life. Hence OUR consciousness, which is God, answers, "I am that 'I am.'" When you ask yourself, "What am I?" you can answer, "I am Increase, the increase of the First Life broadcast into the universe making all increase - evolution to life and to spirit - possible." Might that also be, "I am the Kingdom of God"?


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