The Becoming God

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Was Neville "Baptized in the Holy Spirit" in 1929?

I received in a personal e-mail:

Hello Dan,

I would be very grateful if you could help me with understanding the sequence of the Divine events that Neville is telling us about in his recordings and his workbooks.

Neville mentions four Divine events that every child born of woman will experience, and I quote from A Divine Event:

"There are four definite acts in the single event, which begin with your resurrection. This is followed by your birth from above. Then David reveals your fatherhood, and the fourth and final act appears when you ascend into heaven in a serpentine form and enter it violently, clothed in power."

However, Neville also mentions that in 1929 (24 yrs old) he stood in the presence of the Risen Lord and was incorporated into his body of love. This was before he met Abdullah. In his case, this event preceded four described events 30 years before he was born from above, in 1959.

My question would be, is there any record in Bible about this incorporation with Lord's body - or this can be experienced only by God's grace? Are we all destined to experience this event first before all the others?

Being an absolute believer into teachings of Neville, and having manifested several extraordinary things in my life by the use of my Imagination, I wonder why I have not experienced visions or events that Neville speaks about.

All the best,

Hello, Aleksandar. Thank you for the most excellent question. I will answer it twice, because I know only a little bit of the answer off the top of my head, and I need to reflect awhile on what the Bible says about it. Thus an initial e-mail reply, edited here (I hope you do not mind my editing your e-mail a little, also), and more in my next post:

You are right. I have to admit I have missed the 1929 date up until now (sorry, just glossed over it). That event was obviously a conversion experience. Some of the story is in the lecture "God Only Acts." Neville was a dancer in New York. A nominal Christian, but backslidden, worldly, with "sins as scarlet" ("I have done everything that a man is capable of doing.") But in 1929 he must have heard the Gospel afresh, repented, and have been forgiven, and his sins/deviations from God's will became "as white as snow." The realization of forgiveness causes emotional ecstasy, and Neville received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The process of baptism included his being embraced by the Risen Savior (Jesus) as God's Love, which he is, and by Eil, the Shaddai - God as Pure Power, which Jesus (i.e., YHWH, not the human) also is. The baptism in the Holy Spirit has immense impact upon those who enjoy it.

Yes, this baptism can only be experienced by God's grace WHICH WAS PROMISED AND IS ALREADY "GIVEN" TO US. Only the receiving part by us has yet to be done. After this genuine "born again" experience comes the visions and such, much of which is discussed in the Epistles. I will try to pinpoint some specific passage for you in my blog, later. The big thing for you, now, is the fact that the "several extraordinary things" which have happened in your life indicate the working of God's love for you. They do not work on their own. Listen to that. God is in you, aware of you.

From "God Only Acts":

"The world teaches that another is love and completely unattainable, but I tell you that though your sins are as scarlet, when you are embraced by love, they shall be as white as snow. I have done everything that a man is capable of doing, but when I was embraced by love everything that I had done up to that point became as white as snow. No one on earth can save you. You are saved by the grace of God and since it’s not your own doing, there is no way you can boast."

(Continued next post)

Dan Steele


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