The Becoming God

Thursday, March 28, 2019

A Universe of Love

The universe is love; it's not like there is an option or something. So concludes C. F. Rehnborg in Jesus and the New Age of Faith (1955/81. Buena Park, CA: C. F. Rehnborg Literary Foundation). I have mentioned Rehnborg a number of times, but it is not like I agree with everything he says. His summary in the last two chapters of the book is gold, though. He concludes that the Creation is like its Creator, and that is love. Love is the basis of the universe's makeup and operation, and if we align ourselves with love we shall have whatsoever we desire.

Love, Rehnborg notes, is not dealing harmlessly with others. Love is active, requires DOING. If everyone was dedicated to love, there would be no harm or want, and this is the NATURAL order of the universe.

This makes perfect sense to me. For if the universe is to manifest the Ineffable, it must manifest the Ineffable's own inner relationships, which must all be love. So here we are in a universe of love living contrary to it. Believing in God and desiring, we seek the art of prayer as a bunch of nuts and bolts to be assembled into a practicable technique. No need, says Rehnborg: just learn the art of love and become devoted to it.


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