The Becoming God

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Going Up To Jesus

One of my big “keeper” miracles was Jesus talking to me in 1975. It keeps me because it really happened, and I cannot deny it. I saw Jesus scourged and crucified, and as he was laid with his torn up like hamburger back on that rough-sawn timber, my mind convulsed because it was my sin he was bearing. He turned his face to me as they were about to drive a spike and said, AUDIBLY TO MY BRAIN’S HEARING LOBE, “Come unto Me.” That transition of power from his spirit to my physical nervous system blew my mind. But I was perplexed. How was I supposed to obey this invitation/command? It seemed he meant for me to actually go to where he was, in "heaven," and not simply, figuratively, “go” to him in prayer.

Maybe I was wrong about that. As I learn more about prayer, it is the actual, physical going to God. Prayer is beyond consciousness alone. As JOHN Osteen said, “there is a miracle in your mouth.” It is God’s mouth, and he wants to use it. Our mouths are not just these slobbering orifices, they are the heart and mind behind them. We take the consciousness of this body “there,” to where the receiving of our request is an established reality - in heaven, the skull. Being there is our asking and statement of faith. We assume that reality is as real as the Voice which spoke to me.


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