The Becoming God

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Awesome Presence

There is no faith healing.
"Your faith has SAVED you."
You have awareness of God. Right.
Then Jesus heals you.
Honor and respect him.
Ham did not respect and honor Noah, and all like him, his descendants, are cursed.
Not people. Attitudes. Perception. Awareness (or lack thereof).

The Ineffable, apart from Creation, is invisible, immaterial, and intangible.
Our only exposure to It is intelligence. But boy (girl), is it effective!

My friend Janet worshiped God, and was healed of tuberculosis.
I found true worship of God, then was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
I honored Jesus, and he spoke to me.
I went to the church for healing, but first we honored God.
I honored the Ineffable's Intelligence, and was healed.
We asked Jesus regarding our uneven limbs, and I watched my healing.
Neville says in Your Faith is Your Fortune that the first thing is to find the presence, then pray.
Same with E. W. Kenyon: Jesus is the Healer, but first be In His Presence.
One of my favorite books is Worthy is the Lamb by Ray Summers. The solution to every problem in the Book of Revelation is, “Worthy is the Lamb.”

This is "The Golden Key" of Emmet Fox. Get salvation. Fill your mind with thoughts of God, of Truth. Praise and worship him. Know that he is in you, even IS you. Think on all the wonderful things about the Ineffable, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, his power, might, glory, presence, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness. Do not worry about your need, whatever it is. LOSE YOURSELF IN GOD, WHICH IS JESUS. THAT is where healing is.

Allow me to use the term supra-ethereal. The Ineffable’s presence is as a supra-ethereal anointing: you cannot detect it, but it is effective. As Neville Goddard said, “When it (causative imagining from the state of awareness) works, then you have found Him.” Well, all that is very abstract, so God has put it into graphic imagery, the scriptures. Read the graphic stories, but interpret them as abstract REALITY. The Ineffable is real and here. This world is Its speech. It alone is worthy.


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