Of Providence's manifest response to our prayers, Neville Goddard said, "When it works, you have found Him." Work is indicative of Its power.
It helps a lot to know the vocabulary of God. That is something that takes awhile to learn. We learn what he does in the Bible and in events and situations in our lives. Those are his words. I sometimes have to laugh when a second or third lesson comes up about some subject I had recently and quite suddenly become interested in, sparked perhaps by some person's comment or question. While I am entertaining questions about the subject, ideas come unbidden into my mind during my shower (or just about any other moment during the day). I gain insights as the subject becomes something of a "word," and then someone comes into my life with a problem or question. Answers are given, problems are solved, progress in our lives is made.
Providence is way ahead of us. Way, way, way ahead of us. That is why answers are found in the Bible/Torah codes. I might not know why I made a particular decision I did years ago, but decades later I find that if not that decision then, then not this Providential situation now. Frequently I am left scratching my head and pondering: "How'd You do that?"
Intelligence. Was it a couple of years ago already that I had the marvelous insight that everything is the Ineffable's intelligence? Everything is Its imagining. The Ineffable's imagining, Its intelligence, is the power to become what is imagined. That is, intelligence can physically manifest what it thinks it is. I had the delightful yet somewhat eerie experience of watching my somewhat shorter left arm grow out to match the other. I watched it move. How it moved, I do not know: new atoms added? rearrangement of the cells? relaxing of some muscles? I do not know, but I did watch it, and it grew out about a half-inch or more. I don't know if it has anything to do with that miracle, but the hairs on that arm are still brown, while all the others are now white.
Everything is the Ineffable's intelligence becoming. It imagining. I had accepted a shorter arm because I never really thought about it. Never challenged it. It just was what it was from my past, and the Ineffable was okay with my accepting Its imagining it that way. Charles Hunter said that Jesus could fix it, I thought that a good idea, and Charles asked Jesus to make the shorter arm to match the longer. The Ineffable, "Jesus" to me, imagined my arms matching, and they did. Its intelligence became a longer arm. The night I had this insight that the Ineffable's intelligence is everything, I said in my mind to the intelligence, "You can heal me (of a shoulder pain)," and it did. Silently, instantly. It thought I was without pain, and I became that. Non-judgmental, neutral forces in the universe do not respond on cue to the name Jesus, to faith expressed as requests without effort, whether spoken or simply thought. Providence does. There is a wonderful Guy there, and a wonderful Gal, too.
Hi Dan, I love this post. I wish I could sit with you over a cup of coffee and ask you questions. It is said that the longest journey is the one from your head to your heart and in matters of faith I am on this journey. Most of my life I believe I have had a connection to my inner Self yet it is not a constant. I have had visions and experiences during meditation with long periods between leaving me to wonder what shift I must make in my understanding or knowing to keep this communication flowing. I read in "Sermon On The Mount" by Emmet Fox that we demonstrate where we are at. I have been successful at manifesting consciously sporadically too, making me wonder what it is that is necessary to "find Him" in each moment. I have had a difficult time with faith because of the programming of my childhood but am beginning to see myself as healed and forgiving myself for the way I thought and treated myself. Perhaps this is a beginning. I believe I am on the way though, to that place where self meets Self. I am so grateful I found your blog. I read it every day because you understand in a way that very few people do. If I understand so much of what you are saying it is that as Neville says "we are the operant power" and it is an active practice of faith and learning. I won't really know the great I AM unless I actively assume I am. I think that what Neville is saying when he teaches the law. I begin to truly realize who I am when I put my faith in Him in me. Does this make sense? Do you think I am on to something or do I need to go back to the proverbial drawing board and rethink this. I don't think I will be satisfied until I experience God but for now connecting with your teachings has been an arrow pointing me in a right direction. That is why I love Neville's teaching so much, they are to the point. There is not mystical initiation required to find God. All my life I have been seeking Truth and understanding. God answers prayers, ask and you do find. So thank you for everything you do. I appreciate it.
Cheryl C
ccraig, at 4:41 AM
I want to let you know, Cheryl, that I am working on a reply to your comment. It will be an upcoming post. You are on track. Maybe we do not need mystical initiation to find God, but I don't think we can get "there" - to God - without it. "You cannot see Me and live." Jesus went to the length of dying. I found a very real death in the prelude to the baptism in the Holy Spirit (I surrendered to the casting of my self-lordship out of my self). Maybe that is light on Moses' being hid in the cleft of the rocks. Thanks.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:22 PM
It took awhile, Cheryl, but I finally got a response to your excellent question posted.
I just hope it makes some sense. Thanks for reading.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:44 PM
Thank you Dan for taking the time to make such a thoughtful response to my questions. I seem to have so many. Making the necessary shift in understanding is not always so easy but I know that as I seek, I find. I am reading your posts right now from 2013. I love the one on Moses/Joshua. Neville taught the same thing, that they were the same person. I just saw a book that was written claiming that the Moses of the bible was murdered by his father-in-law and it was an imposter who wrote Genesis. Yikes! Have a wonderful day.
Cheryl C
ccraig, at 4:58 AM
Odd things pass as scholarship. I try to not write things I am not pretty sure about. I post as I learn, and post what I learn. Unfortunately I cannot put in all the basis of my thoughts, such as what inspired the insight I share. So take everything anyone says with a grain of salt, see if there is a bit of truth in it, take THAT as a puzzlement to God, and listen to what He teaches as your insight.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:21 PM
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