Jacob's Jesus: the Burning Menorah "Bush" in Exodus 3:14
It took me a long time to figure out that in his book Your Faith is Your Fortune, Neville was speaking of our Judeo-Christian faith. We think that by 'technique' we need to imagine vividly, clearly, emotionally, and feelingly. But not only that, 'technique' is invoking and entering the presence of Jesus with praise and thanksgiving and a loving heart to imagine in.
Neville was quite emphatic that no character of scripture had anything to do with any historical human being -- that the stories, characters and events of the Bible are all ALLEGORICAL, SYMBOLIC, and PSYCHOLOGICAL. I DO and DO NOT agree, because I do not want you to be misled by thinking that the stories are fiction. I believe they are illustrations garnered and constructed FROM the historical TO express deeper spiritual truths. For example, there really was a historical Moses, a for-real religious and military leader who led his people from Egypt to Canaan and there gave them laws to live by. He and they were historical. The Biblical Moses, who might well have been named after that Moses, usurped that well known history to give his message structure and validity. I am not sure that there were not also Noahs, Abrahams, Jacobs, and Josephs who lent their histories to the purpose of the Bible. (Hey, God does what he wants with his. In any case, there is not anyone in Genesis except Moses who is writing of what he learned in Exodus.) The ALLEGORICAL, SYMBOLIC, and PSYCHOLOGICAL are true in any case. As for any historical persons, I do not know - I wasn't there. I am convinced, though, that there were any number of Jesuses entering the state of Manifestation of the PRINCIPLES of God at the end of the Season of Grace, which was an illustration of this goal - and our destiny.
Who said, "I kill, I make alive"? That is in Deuteronomy 32:39, "See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand" (KJV). Young's Literal Translation has it: "See ye, now, that I -- I am He, and there is no god with Me: I put to death, and I keep alive; I have smitten, and I heal; and there is not from My hand a deliverer."
The speaker is YHWH, "Jehovah." We are not allowed to speak the name YHWH lest we accidentally invoke his presence. Because that could get nasty: we are people of unclean lips; YHWH judges and KILLS people like us. We do not want to invoke the presence of someone who might kill us. That is wisdom. Yet we of the New Covenant know that Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew, Eashoa in Aramaic) IS YHWH, and it is life to us to invoke his presence continuously. WHAT GIVES?
I am proposing here that the PRINCIPLES of the Ineffable's nature are Its "sons." YHWH is the PRINCIPLE of God's covenant nature with Its people, that we make progress toward Its full, mature, and complete manifestation BY ITS POWER. That power moves us that way -- Him-ward -- whether through good or bad. Blessing or affliction. Life or death. It is God's abundance ('Jethro') in a non-judgmental form. That is, it is his way or the highway, and there is no highway. If you do not "get it" in this life, maybe you will in the next.
YHWH, though, is a two-part PRINCIPLE. WITHIN it is Yeshua - Jesus - God's PRINCIPLE of moving us Him-ward through mercy and grace, giving us forgiveness in repentance, empowering us with his own Holy Spirit, saving us from threats and obstacles and providing for all our needs. YHWH is the general principle, Jesus is the specific loving part within it. If you were to invoke the presence and power of YHWH, you'd only want to get the Yeshua part. Yeshua is the Name or Nature of God which is the Gift of God to us, the very Light of God -- the Savior part. [Shin is consumption of the present to make room for something better, and ayin is “He will see to it,” as in Jehovah-jireh (Genesis 22:14), ”God will provide Himself a lamb” (verse 8) - the something better.]
Which brings me to the Bible/Torah Codes. These are all over the internet and youtube.com, and I have to admit that I cannot verify them. I do not know if they are real, and I do not know really what I am looking at in these "tables." They supposedly are real and ancient, and I grant that the written language of the ancient Hebrew/Aramaic Scriptures was primarily a number system. Below I have some links to discussions about the Bible Codes and how the name Yeshua ('Jesus,' but in Hebrew) is found THROUGHOUT the Tanach (the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament). Especially in significant "Messianic" verses, it is said in the underlying code that 'Jesus' is his name (i.e., the Ineffable's nature) - that Jesus is the King, the Gift, the Messiah, and the Light of God. You cannot hear this stuff, understand how the code works, read with understanding, and not be impressed that Jesus was a historical personage - God incarnate - two thousand years ago.
I know that we have scriptural testimony of Jesus from before and after his physical manifestation -- of his birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension. I am greatly encouraged by this, and I believe in that manifestation with all my heart, BUT NOT LIKE THAT!! (That's all the emphasis I can find on my keyboard without getting into bright colors.) I believe that the manifestation was of the PRINCIPLE of Jesus Christ in the lives of devoted Jewish men and women who prepared themselves for Him at the close of the Season of Grace. THEY provided the illustration of OUR destinies.
Sid Roth and Yacov Rambsel:
Hidden Bible Codes Reveal Incredible Message to Humanity! | Yacov Rambsel:
Prophecy in the News:
This interesting person purports to have found pictures in the Bible codes. In Exodus 3:13-15, there is supposedly a mountain, a scroll with handles, and a burning Menorah. Is that the mysterious "bush?" I have cut-and-pasted what I can of the text of that site, which see. It is suggested that the translation of Exodus 3:14 should be "I will become what I will become." COULD IT BE that the End Manifestation of the Ineffable is what It will become, and It will become THAT BEFORE the End Manifestation? -- "I will become (ahead of time) that which I will become (at the END)."
From http://www.bible-codes.org/bush-bible-code-scroll-prophecy-7.htm; sub-site of http://www.bible-codes.org/yeshua-bible-code-prophecy.htm :
Bible Code of "The Scroll" at the Burning-Bush Passage! A complex bible-code word-puzzle that self-interprets "I AM that I AM," the name of God as revealed at the burning bush! DNA and The Book of Life!
The Burning Menorah: (Illustration)
The following expands upon the above code:
The menorah at the burning mountain continues and compliments the above code. In the bible, all three images (the scroll, the mountain, and the menorah) are used to symbolize divine revelation. They are the 'what' (scroll), 'where' (mountain), and 'how' (light of the Lamp), of divine revelation. The following code emphasizes God's love for his "bride".
"The Burning Menorah"
The great flame in part reads:
"O' the ascending sacrifice! O' the flame! O' the love
-- the love of God for her! ..."
"I AM that I AM,"
Interpreted by the bible code at the burning bush!
(To the first part):
So the original question was: "At the burning bush, what did God mean when He told Moses that His Name was: 'I AM that I AM'?" The answer to this question has set in motion many pens. However, the bible code answers it for us! To be brief:
The full text where Moses asks, 'What is the name of God?' reads:
"And Moses said unto God, 'Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?' And God said unto Moses, 'I AM THAT I AM': and he said, 'Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.' And God said moreover unto Moses, 'Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.'" (Ex. 3:13-15).
"What is His name?"---An interesting question to ask God! These actual words of the text, by the way, are found at the base of the Menorah in Hebrew. (The Yeshua---Yeshua aspect is encircled twice at its upper left.) See illustration.
The bible code tells us what God meant when He said: "What I AM, that I AM."
Putting this complex code all together, very simply, it means: "I will become what I will become, that is, a man---even a husband like you are, Moses!" This is in agreement both with the Hebrew and with the bible code. (Go back over the past 5 studies to see what I mean.)
The KJV has chosen to translate the Hebrew words as, "I AM that I AM." However, it may also read, "I will become what I will become." (See your Hebrew lexicon.)
The riddle is solved! God has become a man in Yeshua Messiah---the God-Man! Fully human, fully Divine!
What is His name? The bible code itself declares: "I AM --- Yeshua!" (meaning, 'I am become the Salvation of the Lord!'); and it says, "Yeshua is Jehovah."
Recall all the words of this bible code again, here summarized: (Illustration)
(The six names in this bible code:)
(His Divinity): I AM---Jehovah---Yeshua;
(His humanity): Elijah---(meaning: 'God is Jehovah')---Yeshua!
"Yeshua will be joined to her."
I will Save! He will pardon!
I will Save! He will pardon!
(The self-interpretation within the bible code:)
They cried out for help in the direction of a (mountain) summit:
"Let Him be changed into a man!"
Lo, They cried out for help;
The Gift of God will become that man!
(Acrostics from the bible code:)
"He will cause to loosen, (the Scroll)." "Will the Lord be lifted up (on a cross)?"
(Sub-acrostics): "The Lord will become (that man)."
(The handles on 'The Scroll-of-the-RISEN-Lamb,' says:)
And the Father says: "He is risen!"
(Yet, where is He?)
And the Spirit says: "He is risen"
(Yet, where is He?)
The answer is obvious:
After the pattern of Moses, (Ex. 2:21),
'He is risen up to snatch His bride!'
My point in all of this: cultivate your life with Christ. Focus on finding and pleasing and communing with this aspect of the Ineffable's nature itself -- the Principle of his love for you.
Just a little confused after reading this article. As a avid follower of Neville I am confused as it seems you refer to a God outside of you?
Am I reading it correctly?
John Peter, at 12:07 AM
No. That’s what I mean by “BUT NOT LIKE THAT!” Neville said in chapter three of Your Faith Is Your Fortune to say, “I AM, IAM,” until the sense of floating AS THE UNCONDITIONED AWARENESS OF BEING comes into awareness. Well, it doesn’t really come from somewhere else; it is attained in consciousness. In chapter one of that book Neville tries to walk us back to who we are, that we are but a conception of ourself, a conditioned consciousness from the unconditioned consciousness, the Word of God and God himself. Each is a function of the One Ineffable Being. There is but one Sprit, one Lord, one God. It is a party of functions of which we are individuals in action. These functions are not in separate locations. I probably ought not use the term ‘invoke’ in reference to attaining consciousness of BEING Jesus Christ, because ‘invoke’ insinuates calling a spirit from some other place. We are that spirit, and need only to move ourselves into becoming conscious of the Ineffable’s particular function of Jesus - power in love, mercy, and grace.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:16 AM
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