Moses Put the Gospel in the First Word of the Pentateuch: Good video on meaning of Brasheet, the first word in Genesis 1:1
The Hebrew/Aramaic word 'brasheet', the first word in the Bible, Genesis 1:1: bet, resh, aleph, shin, yod, tav. In English, "In (the) beginning . . ."
Bet (house/tent) house
+Resh (a head) first, highest person
+Aleph (ox head) strength/god (+ bet = Ab, father, the strength of the house - God)
= Bar - Son of God
Shin (teeth) consume/destroy
Yod (outstretched hand) work/to do something
Tav (cross) covenant/mark/sign
"As the Beginning (the Son of God is destroyed by the work of his own hand on a cross - a covenant)."
The Son of the Ineffable is Its imagination. Or rather Its imaginings - consciousness. These are Its wisdom and child in Proverbs 8? Imaginings perform exactly what is willed without freedom, without knowing what it is like to be the Imaginer. So the covenant: destroy this knowledge which you do have by descending into ignorance, and I will lead you to overcome it to ascend entering freedom and the knowledge of being the Imaginer. I.e., descend, and I will cause you to ascend "in three days."
To effect ignorance we seemingly separate from God in a sleep. We think we are this human body and have a brain. Actually, we are the spirit/consciousness of God having been "breathed-in": we annexed the brain. The Original Mind is outside; we are just dreaming the human's thoughts. Behind us we are Christ, the Son of the Ineffable doing Its will - becoming like It - Its Manifestation.
A good video on this is Neville Goddard's Unless I Go Away. He doesn't really go away, we just lose sight of him until we start to wake up.
Any errors in this are mine.
How do we contact you if we want to talk to you and ask questions. For some reason this resonates and I dont know why.
Unknown, at 6:52 PM
In the right hand column there is an "About" section and an "About Me" section. At the bottom of "About Me," there is a link, "View my complete profile." Click on that, and on the left hand side of my profile page is "Contact Me" with an e-mail link right below it. Click that. My e-mail address is You are welcome to ask me anything you like. Everything is, of course, just my opinion. I prefer to exchange in e-mails, because the delay allows me to form and compose my ideas better and keeps me from being cut off in conversation and never getting to making the point I have, or rather had, in mind. This certainly is a benefit to anyone who needs a coherent answer. You will see that this particular post is directly related to my most recent posts, from November 13 to November 24, 2021.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:40 AM
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