The Becoming God

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Moses Put the Gospel in the First Word of the Pentateuch: Good video on meaning of Brasheet, the first word in Genesis 1:1

From FOUND A SECRET HIDDEN in the bible, Genesis 1:1, woah, this is crazy.

The Hebrew/Aramaic word 'brasheet', the first word in the Bible, Genesis 1:1: bet, resh, aleph, shin, yod, tav. In English, "In (the) beginning . . ."

Bet (house/tent) house
+Resh (a head) first, highest person
+Aleph (ox head) strength/god (+ bet = Ab, father, the strength of the house - God)
= Bar - Son of God
Shin (teeth) consume/destroy
Yod (outstretched hand) work/to do something
Tav (cross) covenant/mark/sign
"As the Beginning (the Son of God is destroyed by the work of his own hand on a cross - a covenant)."

The Son of the Ineffable is Its imagination. Or rather Its imaginings - consciousness. These are Its wisdom and child in Proverbs 8? Imaginings perform exactly what is willed without freedom, without knowing what it is like to be the Imaginer. So the covenant: destroy this knowledge which you do have by descending into ignorance, and I will lead you to overcome it to ascend entering freedom and the knowledge of being the Imaginer. I.e., descend, and I will cause you to ascend "in three days."

To effect ignorance we seemingly separate from God in a sleep. We think we are this human body and have a brain. Actually, we are the spirit/consciousness of God having been "breathed-in": we annexed the brain. The Original Mind is outside; we are just dreaming the human's thoughts. Behind us we are Christ, the Son of the Ineffable doing Its will - becoming like It - Its Manifestation.

A good video on this is Neville Goddard's Unless I Go Away. He doesn't really go away, we just lose sight of him until we start to wake up.

Any errors in this are mine.


  • How do we contact you if we want to talk to you and ask questions. For some reason this resonates and I dont know why.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:52 PM  

  • In the right hand column there is an "About" section and an "About Me" section. At the bottom of "About Me," there is a link, "View my complete profile." Click on that, and on the left hand side of my profile page is "Contact Me" with an e-mail link right below it. Click that. My e-mail address is You are welcome to ask me anything you like. Everything is, of course, just my opinion. I prefer to exchange in e-mails, because the delay allows me to form and compose my ideas better and keeps me from being cut off in conversation and never getting to making the point I have, or rather had, in mind. This certainly is a benefit to anyone who needs a coherent answer. You will see that this particular post is directly related to my most recent posts, from November 13 to November 24, 2021.

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:40 AM  

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