The Becoming God

Thursday, February 08, 2018

God's Photo Album of a Bigger, Better Jesus: The Bigger and Better REALITY that is the Ineffable

The Season of Grace, the period between the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem and the destruction of the second, was a photograph. The New Testament is photographs, really, of what has been going on since time began. These photographs are pictures to be studied of the more-true-than-the-stories reality that is the Eternal - the ineffable Most High God. We have pictures of It in the Book, and we have It in real life. (Hint: go with the real thing NOW instead of waiting for the pictures to show up.)

The real, bigger and better Jesus is the principle and attitude of the Ineffable who loves, saves, and perfects us. The Ineffable IS Jesus Christ, the real one. You go to Jesus, and you are as face-to-face as you can get to the Ineffable. That should be as scary as it is humbling. I am not saying that there are not myriads of angels and differing levels of life; I am just saying that all of it is the ineffable Most High. We are that close - zero distance. To hell with 'immanent'; we ARE.

But we have to turn the corner. The crucifixion of Christ was into the ignorance we had - had - of what it is to be the Ineffable. Our births were into that isolated ignorance to overcome it, which cannot happen until we get a conscience. That means repentance unto a new, faithful mindset, baptism for the remission of sins, and the removing of the stop between ourselves and the consciousness of God; i.e., beginning the receiving the Holy Spirit - kind of like a bucket jumping on its own into the well.

This is an illustrative world. The whole point of Jesus is that he IS the Ineffable. How else could we be sons of God? Its attitude and the nature of Its principles have to be in us, because we are family. 'Christ' is the anointing of this awareness upon us. We do it, then find that we are indeed its Father - God. The Ineffable and the Milta, the Ineffable's Manifestation we are destined to become in the end, are ONE.

I was writing about this in my last post, about the confusion of how to go to Him who calls us. Can we ascend into Heaven? He is right here, in us and everyone. He goes by the name Imagination, and is the whole shebang.


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