On Neville Goddard's "Consciousness is the Only Reality"
I think a lot of us have it all wrong. When Neville says consciousness is the only reality, what he means is that consciousness is the ONLY reality. We tend to think that this world is the one reality and that consciousness, imagination, is myriad fantasies that can become real. It is actually the exact opposite: consciousness is the ONLY reality and this world is myriad illusions of that consciousness. Consciousness is primary. What we normally call reality is but a conception of Self played out from consciousness.
This reflection is but a conception of Self (with a capital 'S'). It is not necessarily your individual self or my individual self. THAT is one of our big mistakes: we think that we are individuals creating our own worlds. We are, but we are all of the same Self. Capital 'S.' Dial down to my post The Prophet Structure: Dealing with the Double Mind. In the comment section I am asked if a child raped imagined that act to create it. Of course not. But the horrendous act was a conception of Self. Some individual's self, and all of our selves together. We are a package. There is ignorance in all of our conceptions of self, some worse than others. What are we to do about it?
When Freedom Barry was accosted in San Francisco by a drunk, he put the principle to work. He imagined the man whole and in need of nothing. Some time later he was greeted by the same man, whole and in need of nothing. We can redeem our brothers and sisters by changing our conception, our consciousness, the consciousness of the Self. We are the operant power of the WHOLE PACKAGE. That is the 'one' -- e'had -- in Deuteronomy 6:4. One that is many. They will agree. So pray.
I said above that I skipped the first chapter of The Power of Awareness. My next post goes back to it.
Hello Dan,
I have a question. I'm almost afraid to ask it but I'm going to. First I want to clarify something. I was not asking you for a shopping list. I was asking for a list of requirements - what is required - for successful conscious creation. One thing I see you have reiterated throughout this blog is that you "MUST BE THERE NOW." And in reiterating that, what you have expressed is a requirement. I was just asking simply for a list of ALL the requirements. I am not asking you to do any "heavy lifting" for me. I have been at this for some time now, and have not had success. I was just asking for help. It was a sincere request for help - a for dummies outline - from someone who is struggling.
My question: So the flood waters represent rising above the current "facts" of your life. Does the Bible (or Neville) give any instructions as to HOW to successfully do this? I know for me I get so frustrated because I find myself "at work" pretty much every waking hour. My job is very consuming, in time, energy and attention. There's lots of drama, and I can't seem to turn it off. Each night I set out to "be there" (somewhere else) and I find myself unable to turn off the day. Within the course of one evening I will start again and start again, and again, and it's like my mind is on autopilot, and I realize "omg here I am back at work!" >_< It may be because there is nothing else really in my life. My life right now consists of my job. I just can't find the switch to turn it off. Do you have suggestions? If there is no answer, that is fine, I will accept that. Please don't scorn me.
Struggling, at 8:00 AM
I remember somewhere Neville described allowing the sensation of falling asleep to lift you like a flood tide, but I can't find the exact passage in google search. Chapter 2 in Feeling is the Secret covers the same, pretty much. Chapter 2 in Awakened Imagination, too, and Chapter 3 in Your Faith is Your Fortune. The Power of Awareness pretty much is a shopping list of the requirements, and chapter 19 covers the essentials. If I find the reference I am looking for I'll make a post of it. Again. I am sure I have before. The "must be there" is perhaps a smaller thing than you think. It is feeling naturally that you are what you want to be. It is only a conception of your self as you are in the universal Self, a kind of "This is me," and feeling that to be natural and real. Twenty-twenty (FreeNeville.com) I saw in my search has a short deal called Secret Sacred Order. Worth a look, eh mate?
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:14 AM
Thank you :) I own copies of and have read all those books. I will reread them. I guess the thing is, Neville made it sound so easy, and perhaps for him it was. For someone like myself whose head is filled with noise and chatter, it's been a real struggle just to silence that. I will also have a look at that post by TT, though to be honest I tend to avoid his site because everything it seems is a carrot followed by a sales pitch. Of course that is only my observation. Kind of why I love your site so much. Like Neville, you seem sincere in wanting to help others with your blog.
Struggling, at 6:40 AM
Dan thank you again. I have read the suggested post by TT, and it was helpful also. And a little googling reveals it comes from 1948 Lesson 2 "Assumptions Harden Into Fact." I think the thing for me is to start by just assuming the feeling of already having, sans the scene, since I can't seem to imagine vividly right now. But I DO know how to feel "as if" about something, and have done this at times. Maybe I just have not persisted with it, with any one thing, long enough (night after night after night) to make an impress.
Another thing, and maybe there are other people like me. I am a perpetual student. I read and read and read. I've read so much Neville. And I always feel like I need to read some more.. to make sure I reaaaaaaaaaaaaally understand how to do it. I guess that's what comes of too much "higher ed."
One thing I've noticed and I'm curious on your thoughts. Again and again Neville used the example of the congratulatory scene.. which I think in a way is passive. But most of the actual examples of success involved DO-ing. Involved a physical action. Counting money, climbing a ladder, walking a plank to board a ship, twisting a ring, and so forth. Maybe the part of the congratulatory scene that cements it is the physical act of the handshake...
Here's what gets me. I can imagine a handshake and feel it. What I cant do is SEE the hand. Let's say I want to feel the hand of specific person for a specific reason.. I can feel the sensation but not see the specific person's hand, Is it enough to have an awareness of whose hand it is? That's where the feeling of the wish fulfilled and concept I AM THIS comes in, right? <---overthinking?? ;)
No_More_Struggling!, at 7:22 AM
I'm going to make this my last comment because I don't want to vex you on the subject. My mental gears have been turning all afternoon. The bottom line is this: Neville confuses me. And that is why I asked you for a dumbed down "list" of what is important. Throughout the body of his writing and lectures he reiterated:
1. "Catch the mood," which sounds to me like EMOTIONS.
2. BELIEF. E.g. The response to Sami's question. "When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotions." This seems like a contradiction to the previous.
3. "All the tones of reality" which refers to a third, separate thing. Sensory vividness. Touch, taste, sight, sound, smell in the mind's eye.
Maybe "the mood" is more so the "concept of self" -- the awareness that "I am [insert new concept of self]? The "feeling naturally that you are what you want to be" that you said in your reply? But with that, I would think, would come emotions of some sort. I mean let's put it this way, if I could manifest my desire, I would feel overjoyed.
Belief is the knowing that it is real.. fourth dimensionally.
And the sensory vividness is probably just there to help with 1 and 2, that is with impressing the subconscious mind.. eh?
How'm I doing? ;)
JugglingWithStruggling, at 11:26 AM
A short comment, longer to follow due to time constraint: Isn't it wonderful that you cannot see the hand! The body is as a cloud. See the face; you can only feel the hand because it is working in that sphere.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:17 PM
Assumptions Harden into Facts is one of my favorites, but I don't think it is the description I am looking for. It is a tricky read anyway, as you have to cull the practical applications from their biblical illustrations (a very worthwhile endeavor, though). Neville was a dancer, an easy job to leave at work, and it provided training in relaxing while working. Maybe you would like to become a professional dancer? You can consider receiving congratulations as an activity, a doing, also. Or maybe move on to what you would do overjoyingly after the celebration. Persistence is something most inquirers do not seem to get, the source of my shortened temper. Neville's brother imagined Goddard and Sons on the sign twice a day FOR TWO YEARS (!) before it happened. Neville imagined sleeping in his bed in Barbados for a month. He said that if it does not feel natural in your assuming the feeling it isn't ever going to happen. You will see the words "if persisted in" in the mentioned lecture. Also the words "law of least effort." It is not forcing yourself to see or feel things or emotions; it is their naturalness to you. You assume being the person you wish to be as if you were that person, kind of bi-locating to a sense of being, while releasing what you presently seem to be. It sounds like you are doing fine. This stuff doesn't come easy, except maybe to kids.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:25 PM
Dear "no more struggling,"
Perhaps you cannot see the hand because you are looking into the other person's eyes. In turn, those eyes are reflecting you.
Peace to you,
Dear Dan,
Thank you for your writings.
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
Dear Suzanne,
Well said, and thank you. I apologize for my clumsy way of expressing these important truths. I have come to realize that what everyone wants is a way to pray successfully. I will be working on that.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 6:43 PM
Dear Dan,
Thank you, but I cannot take full credit for the words that were written. Christ/God/Spirit inspired me to type that. Usually I refrain from writing comments.
Gifted and humble, that you are.
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM
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