The Prophet Structure: Dealing with the Double Mind
Through a son who was spiritually born from above, "Moses," God gave us a Success Manual. In it God says that he has become us and that he is what becomes of our imagining (Exodus 3:14 Alexander). This makes us responsible and accountable for our imagining, whatever it is. I had to think about this recently as a young lady said of her affliction, "I did not ask for it. I did not ask for what happened to me. And I sure as heck didn't imagine it. I have spent a long time being angry at God for my life, and for all the pain suffered by maaaaaany people." She means this earnestly, of course, and I believe her; but I know that we create our world by imagining, and she is not seeing how she is creating her own. This is a very, very common problem. "What in the Success Manual," I wondered, "correlates to this?"
The answer came to me as The Prophet Structure. This structure is throughout the Bible. The Prophet pronounces the revealed truth: "You are God: God is all and one, and we are in Him. He is all love and goodness and is faithful to His word, and He holds us responsible to be as He." This is the witness inside us. God is the Prophet. I do not speak of any human prophet speaking to any audience any prophet may ever have had. This pronouncement is made constantly to each of us inside our consciousness. It is a witness inside of us.
Yet the Prophet's audience, the consciousness He speaks to, in its ignorance is vexed with worries and doubts. In these worries and doubts it FEARS, and in these fears it turns to every other power to remedy: strategies, counseling, seminars, argument, effort, training, gods, ghosts, deceit -- whatever. These are idols, false gods who have no more power as God than a dead block of wood. The power of God is IN us, in our imagination which IS God. Rejecting the truth the Prophet speaks does not cause God to react with vindictive punishment; it causes our fears to manifest with no mitigation because the idols we have created have no power to save. Salvation does not work that way. Salvation works by imagining, by believing in faith.
Look again at what the young lady pointed out: she "sure as heck didn't imagine" what she has suffered. But in the very next sentence she states that she did (!): "I have spent a long time being angry at God for my life, and for all the pain suffered by maaaaaany people." Her anger was an idol to her, and that idol was powerless to stop all the pain suffered by people -- responded to by her -- from also manifesting in her life. (I recognize that she was referring to her anger after suffering her affliction.) If in our worldview we have a God who is separate, outside, divided from us and "other," we are unsure of our status with him: "Maybe he is listening, maybe he is not. Maybe he loves me, maybe he does not. Maybe he will protect me, maybe he will not." Not convicted of God being within her, as her, loving, hearing, knowing every need and powerful to care for her, she could imagine a vindictive, unloving, cruel 'other' God, and her imagined fears of being uncared for came to pass unmitigated by her idol. She had not accepted the Prophet's words: "I am God being 'me' in you," and the confidence they yield.
Being God is "hands-on." It is believing, and we have to DO it. We have to imagine love and grace and joy and mercy in our world. We are the Merciful Father; THAT is what 'Abraham' means! Right and justice are ours to implement imaginally. We have to think like Him-of-whom-we-are, believing "better than the best" for our worlds -- the world each of us creates for our self.
Our errant early worldview sees God as being separate, but within us He speaks of being one -- that sense that he is here and conscious of our every thought. God is seamless, but there is the semblance of a seam in that we cannot discern the rest of God with these human senses. We have limitations due to the ignorance we were born into, BUT THE REASON WE WERE BORN IS TO REPAIR THEM. And we do that repair with faith, with believing. As Rabbi David A. Cooper said, we have to be about Godding.
Belief in Jesus Christ is not belief that a certain man is God; it is the fact that man IS God. There is God beyond man, yes, and there is God beyond all universes, but we are INCLUDED in that God -- whatever and wherever he may be. There are not two; there cannot be! In the all that he is, visible or invisible, he, and thus we, are everything. 'Jesus' is God's action. 'Christ' is man's action. "Jesus Christ" is God and his man acting together. How could we not? You might not want to be God, but you just can't help it. We all are in-and-of the One. Trust me, it is a good thing. You're going to like it.
I have a few sincere questions in response to several of your latest posts. I'll just place them all here under this one.
If a child is, let's say raped, from an early age, like 3, you're saying that child created that? Imagined that? How? In a previous life? In utero? Since all are connected and all is God, is it not possible that someone "else" created that experience for that child?
You may have misunderstood the young lady. Perhaps the anger at God was a result of experiences. And that anger was felt for years because of the rippling effect of those experiences on her life. Perhaps not everyone can relate. Perhaps the young lady's ability to see the fact that many suffer is something called empathy, or sympathy.
If you are God and God is all there is, how can there be a "will" or a "want" that is God's and is separate from yours? How can you let God take control when YOU are God? It would follow them that God's will is always being done. Everything is God's will/want. How can it be otherwise when he is the Dreamer and all that there is? You are the operant power but you are God.
Your example of the person desiring the joyride in their new car: The scene of driving it on the highway with all the many senses that would entail seems extremely complicated for those with limited imaging faculty. When I say limited imaging faculty, I do not mean a person who "sees" themselves like on a movie screen versus participating. I mean the ability to "see" at all. Some people cannot shut out the world and see/hear someone congratulating them. Some people cannot feel the steering wheel or the wind in their hair. Some do not have that kind of imaging faculty. So what do they do? Especially when it's supposed to not be strained.
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
I suppose you have toes. Take a look at your big toe and wiggle it. Is the toe you? Yes. Did it wiggle on its own? No. Did your toe know that you wanted to wiggle it, or even that it was being wiggled? Probably not. What disconnect is there between you and your toe? None, really; yet it has no idea about you. It just IS you. You awareness of being, your self-identity as "I," is God in your body. You are a spirit, a consciousness of life resident in an annexed brain and its body. Our bodies are God too, but on a different level. That is what is hard to get, that God is different on different levels. One God only, in different aspects doing different things all coordinated toward the achievement of one common goal: to manifest the Ineffable. Toward that end we were born into this world ignorant. Do we imagine the horrors of being slammed into something solid and unmoving in the dark? No, we are innocent ignorants, and we are not the only ones imagining. Perhaps on some level as spirit we might have anticipated these horrors, but we came anyway -- we are locked in tight because the goal is worthy.
We are facets of an eternal being and I suspect we have been appearing in this death for billions of years as we count time. Who is to say that coal depoits and fossils are not our former bodies? What might we have suffered in individual lives over countless ages? I won't say that we are none the worse for wear of it, looking at how messed up some people are, but too many overcome by the darkness in this world have felt arms of compassion encompassing them and have had their hearts filled with love and acceptance. There is "It," that Ineffable Eternal Being we are OF, who is with us and in us when we turn to It in attitude. And when we do turn It leads us out of this death of horrors and afflictions and futilities unto a life intended for us, imbued with Its consciousness and an active handle for accomplishing Its will. No turn, no life. Sorry, that is not only the way it is, it is what it is all about.
It is the same God working differently on different levels (you might be interested to learn from Vic Alexander that the Aramaic word 'Allaha' refers to the whole Allahoota -- Godhood -- simultaneously.) There may be people who cannot visualize or imagine as Neville describes, but it is a skill developed through practice over time. I have no magic pills to circumvent that. May be if they repented and accepted the real Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior they would find it easier.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:05 AM
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