I keep getting inquiries about what to do if one cannot imagine, or if one is in a negative, unconducive situation (welcome to life). What about the feeling of reverie? Neville was always saying to wrap yourself up in reverie: that God has heard you; that you already have what you desire; that you have relief and satisfaction, contentment; that God's sovereignty has been exercised in your favor; that consciousness has conformed to your desire; that your faith and belief are become fulfilled hope; that in your heart it is affirmed that your God reigns and loves and has provided for your every need.
If when you meditate you can't imagine the concrete senses of being "there," then enter reverie. It is spelled a w a r e n e s s and a p p r e c i a t i o n and a d o r a t i o n.
I just found this website and I really appreciate your writings, as I am a Neville Goddard follower. How can I subscribe to your feed so that I see your posts all the time? thanks
spectral nite, at 10:26 AM
First of all, thank you for reading my posts and desiring a feed. I had never considered setting up a feed but your question inspired me to look into it. Maybe I followed correctly Blogger.com's directions to initiate a feed, maybe not. I do not know how to check. When my son comes home Inwill ask him. Thanks.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:58 PM
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