The Becoming God

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Neville Goddard Practice: Demons Are Not Needed, but Practice Is

John 5: 19 " . . . Amen, amen, I am telling you, that the Son cannot do something from out of nowhere,* except [from that which] he sees his Father doing; for these [things] that the Father does, these also the Son likewise does. 20. “For the Father has compassion for the Son, and whatever He does he reveals* it to him. And much more than these works He will reveal to him so that you will be [utterly] amazed" (Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic:

* Notes:
5: 19 “That the Son cannot do the thing from negating [contrary to] himself.”
5: 20 “Shows.”

As the Manifestation of the Ineffable and Eternal, we cannot do things that are not in Its nature. Conversely, we CAN do anything that is in Its nature. Its nature is our nature, and our nature is Its nature: we are just one big happy family and One being. We are the Son, the Sent, and the Father has compassion for us, and whatever He does, He shows it to us that we might do it also to the utter amazement of everyone. And some people are not going to like it.

In my own meditations I have encountered demons and/or deceiving spirits, but here's the rub: I have always been conscious that they are me, manifestations of my own ignorance. I (and I suspect you) do not need demons to mislead me or to make me ignorant -- I can manage quite well on my own, thank you. It is the nature of death and ignorance to prefer the states of death and ignorance. The Devil is the core of evil in me, and he wishes to keep me in my immaturity. Immaturity, that is what 'evil' is. What is beyond it?

Practice matures us. We get to see by it. Revelation. A baseball batter gets better by practicing. Pitchers, too. Even Shaq got better at freethrows. Neville Goddard practiced relocation, which was being somewhere in imagination that he wasn't physically. He practiced revision of his day's events nightly. He says in the Mental Diets recording, "by an inner effort of intense attention; to listen attentively, as though you heard . . ." This is practice. The fellow who had bum legs practiced imagining he was playing polo and hiking the Alps with his friends . . . until he could play polo and hike the Alps with his friends again. The woman in The Law and the Promise (page 19) who wrenched her back as a child practiced swinging on that same swing in her imagination until she could fly out of the seat and land successfully . . . and her back was healed. What people in Neville's case histories didn't practice and practice and practice before they succeeded?

Were there a Jewish Jesus besides Mark's Gautama, he practiced meditation as all the teachers of right did in that era. The most popular ancient Jewish book not found is the Book of Meditation. Every father was charged to begin teaching his son(s) by the age of seven how to meditate according to the book. What are you teaching your sons and daughters? The basic common meditation is awareness of one's present surroundings. But practice, practice, practice, and the world opens to you.

The truncated Evangelical Gospel assumes any miracle performed by man, anything they don't understand, is the work of the Devil, because heck, they can't do it. "Out of my washer, you out-of-balance demon!" They do not themselves practice imagining to cause, because they believe we are separate and divided from God, so to do what the Bible tells us to do would to them be rebellion. But their Gospel isn't the Gospel. Christ has come? Yes, but Christ has come as US! Most Christians do not even have a copy of real Bible translated from the ancient Aramaic. And the only thing they do practice is misreading their opinions into the corrupt versions of the Bible they use! concluding always, "Hey, I'm right!"

In my latest to DeBorah, the lovely quadriplegic "Son" (which we all are), I suggested that she suspend her quest to discover what she has missed in getting healed and just worship God -- God within her as her imagination. There isn't any thing else to be gotten or done, but to practice ministering to the Lord, and practice, practice, practice, until he shows her what he does that she might do it too, that we all might be utterly amazed.

Uh, may I suggest that we all practice? Thanks.

Here is a recently posted Youtube on the subject of relocation:


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