The Becoming God

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Latest from Victor Alexander: Revelations of Hosea chapters 10 and 11

Please read and consider this from ( This is why I inform that YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE REAL BIBLE if you are not reading from the ancient Aramaic scriptures.

This particular squawk is about the true "name" of God, which is Eil, which has been changed to El to avert admitting that the ONE true God is ALL and that "Jesus Christ" is his MANIFESTATION, and that he includes us. Alexander seems to think that Eil was changed to El after the advent of Jesus Christ, but I believe the power of God and the wisdom of God that is Jesus Christ had been known from the time of Moses. God's being our imagination is what Exodus 3: 14's "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (in the Aramaic) is all about -- and the change from 'Eil' to 'El' IN THE HEBREW happened centuries before the Gospel explainer Mark came to understand the Gospel according to Moses. Moses' Gospel is Eil: one God who is all, including us by our imagination, and "Jesus Christ" -- YHWH, Eil's imagining -- ALLAHA, his Manifestation!

Yeah, they . . . and we . . . are one.

As I was translating Hosea chapter 10, I came across two passages where the ‘House of Eil’ has been translated as Bethel in all the Westernized Bibles.
‘Bethel’ means ‘house of El.’ If you remember, ‘El’ is the name of the Ugaritic god, which was worshipped in Canaan, when Abraham came there from the Land of Ashur. Abraham was from Harran, south of Nineveh.
The word is spelled wrong. The correct spelling is ‘Eil,’ as this is the spelling that Maran Eashoa Msheekha used in His words from the Cross, “Eil, Eil, l’manna shwiqtani.” (Eil, Eil, for this I was spared” — in other words, ‘for this Mission.’ His Mission was to die and be resurrected, and with Him He would resurrect all His Children.)
‘Eil’ was removed from all the Western Bibles (and the modern Hebrew Bibles) because the translators wished to deny that Eashoa Msheekha was the Milta of Maryah Allaha (the Manifestation of the Lord God.) All the Westerners and those who still deny that Maran Eashoa Msheekha was Himself the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit who came to the world, who gave His earthly life willingly to die and be resurrected – are unaware of this fact.
Their denial is based on their arrogance and their hunger for power; in assuming that they are the harbingers of faith and the heirs of ‘the kingdom of God,’ so that they can further presume that they are next in line to receive this power directly from ‘the Father’ and bypass Eashoa Msheekha, whom they move down to second place in their estimation of the Godhood.
This was the problem of the original Hebrew establishment in Jerusalem, when they encountered Eashoa Msheekha they didn’t recognize Him as the Messiah prophesied by their Scriptures. It is still the problem today. That’s why they insist on retained the ‘El’ in the name of their deity. They want to still deny that Maran Eashoa Msheekha is the Milta of Maryah Allaha. (They have no problem with the word ‘Allaha’, as ‘El’ is incorporated into their word ‘Elohim.’)
When Caiaphas, at the trial of Eashoa Msheekha, asked, “Are you claiming to be the Son of the Living God?” (Actually Caiaphas would’ve never used the word ‘God’ – because the English language itself didn’t exist at that time.) And Eashoa Msheekha answered him essentially ‘Yes,’ that He was the Son of the Living Allaha. (Because Eashoa Msheekha spoke Aramaic, He wouldn’t have used the Hebrew word ‘Elohim’ – which would mean that He believed in ‘El.’ Of course, He would never say that, as He knew the name of the Father was ‘Eil,’ with the ‘Yod’ – Allap-Yod-Lammad: Eil.
Also, Maran Eashoa Msheekha knew that someday people would say that the ‘Eil’ in Genesis 17:1 and the ‘Eil’ in Mark 15:34 had no connection to each other. In this way those who place ‘Jesus Christ’ in second position in the Trinity, could then claim that they are in second position like ‘Jesus’, who was sent by the Father to die for the sins of man. They would be forever blinded by the fact that Eashoa Msheekha died and resurrected Himself as proof for mankind that He was the Truth, the Life and the Resurrection, that He was Allaha in the Flesh.
But prejudice against the Aramaic language was so strong that the Westerners couldn’t bring themselves to accept this fact about the nature of Maryah Allaha. And today, this word – ‘Allaha’ – itself is a stumbling block for Christians in the West.
And even historical accuracy is at stake here. In chapter 11 of Hosea, I ran into another anomaly: the various churches have changed the history of the Biblical events to reflect their own prejudices. This has been going on for fifteen centuries – from the time of Emperor Constantine, who presumably embraced Christianity. You can trace the changes in the histories of the Western World based on this one chapter of the Book of Hosea.
For example, the fate of Aprim and the inhabitants who went by that name, is completely misunderstood. If you read the various versions of the Bible, you will notice that they are completely different when it comes to the events regarding the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and the freedom they enjoyed in Nineveh under such rulers as King Shalmanessar III. Tobiah was the king’s treasurer and the leader of the Jewish community at Nineveh. According to the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures, the Jews did not wish to go back to Egypt, because they were enslaved there for centuries.
Through this translation project, I’ve discovered how much of the Biblical history has been changed to drive an axe between peoples of different cultures. Even today political alliances shift as a result of financial pressures, and people are betrayed unto death. It’s really a shame.
But more so that the actual words of the Scriptures have been distorted, and the meanings of entire chapters has changed, to the point that there is no agreement between any of the Bibles of the West.
With so many words having been changed because of political predilictions, a lot of the concepts of the original Scriptures have been changed or modified. Entire passages and many chapters are entirely misunderstood. So many words have taken on different meanings, that many doctrines are totally contradictory.
Only by reading a true translation of the Scriptures can the truth ever be known.


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