Ms Appleby's Comments on My Reply to Her Comments on "Neville Goddard and the Development of the Gospel from Mistake to Correct"
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:35 AM
Mr. Steele,
You state: "That part of your mind which is ruled by God is Israel, and this applies to every child born of woman. Moses, a master of the ancient myths, discovered Israel in his mind, and killed an "Egyptian," a thought of ignorance. God-thoughts bless us -- jethro -- and contemplating this Moses discovered Elohim/Ashur; that our imagination is the process of God's manifestation -- YHWH. The "Old Testament" is a discourse on this fact: "God said, 'Ye are God'" (Psalm 82: 6). Not gods, but God."
Response: Something for you to look at in your spare time:
(Thank you. I'm retired. You almost make my case for me:
"Another indication that a correct reading precludes human judges from this chapter are the many Greek translations. The LXX translation I provided above (Ps 81 in LXX) uses the plural of theos to translate elohim, which can only mean “gods.” The Septuagint only uses the word theos to translate elohim, no matter where it appears, although it adds the word for “judges” to the construct pair “judges of God” in Exodus 21.
What these different perspective clearly show is that “judges” was not posited as a valid translation prior to the Rabbinic Period.
Next we’ll take a look a more up-to-date and respected Hebrew lexicon, the Hebrew Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, by Koehler and Baumgartner. It should be no surprise that the entry on elohim explains the translation can only be “gods,” or “God.” “Judges” is mentioned as a rare Midrashic translation that is not accurate. Older dictionaries and lexicons are generally based on the early twentieth century Christian apologetic readings of Ps 82 that I discussed above.
The context of this chapter and its rhetorical purpose also preclude the “judges” reading. God is mentioned as a judge, and judging is important to the chapter, but the very obvious wordplay between shafat and shoftim is explicitly avoided. That’s rather bizarre for Hebrew poetry, which is principally built upon wordplay and parallelism. It also doesn’t work when you consider “you are judges” as the antecedent to the clause “but you will die like mortals.” First off, human judges are already mortal. Secondly, nothing about being a judge would render their mortality noteworthy. The conjunction (”but“) clearly indicates the clause stands contrary to the normal course of events" (end quote from above).
I respond:
'Elohim' is the Hebrew form of the Assyrian/Ninevite 'Ashur'. It means "Over the Flames" and is in fact a singular compound word with a plural ending. The ancient PICTOGRAPH depicts the Son of God rising in the solar disc -- the Father -- with rays or flames of Glory radiating outward like the wings and tail of a bird landing. See and can search others. The thing is, Bonnie, THE WHOLE THING IS GOD, AND WE ARE THE "FLAMES." Without the forced pluralization of the word which is everywhere understood as singular, what God (Elohim) is saying in Psalms 82: 6 is that we ourselves are Elohim -- God -- HIM! Because He long ago became us. Remember, we are not the body, we are the Spirit breathed into these bodies. We share their nature for the while, but then we leave.
I am trying to get you to consider non-dualism, Advaita. That is the Sanskrit word for 'without division'. All is God -- Elohim -- without division.
Ms. Appleby continues:)
Your comment: "There is no New Testament. The Gospels are primers, explanations of THE Testament: Ye are God, YHWH, for YHWH is Christ, and Christ is you."
Response: Call the Gospels whatever you wish, however you will never find in the Old Testament or the Gospels: Ye are God, YHWH, for YHWH is Christ, and Christ IS YOU.
(Actually, that 'ye are God, YHWH, for YHWH is Christ, and Christ is you' is the point everywhere. You cannot understand any of ANY Bible without it. You are all the characters in Genesis, for they are all a psychological biography of YOU, from The Beginning Who created God to Joseph dead in Egypt. Presently in your consciousness you are Joseph [Jesus] dead in Egypt, and you need to fulfill your destiny of becoming The Beginning Who created God. [It takes a perfect time, three days, in this hell of forgetting to fulfill.] In your Bible the characters' names are not translated, nor are you told what they mean, for if you knew you would see that what I am telling you is the truth. He reveals Himself to those who search. TRANSLATE THE NAMES AS WELL AS YOU CAN -- THEY ARE ACTUALLY NATURES -- AND CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE THOSE NATURES AS YOU READ THEM. E.g., your loving God is Abraham -- the Father is Merciful; your knowing Him is Isaac -- Laughter, for the joy of it; your flesh nature is Esau -- the hairy body; and your inner man is Jacob -- His "ignoranced" consciousness. Laban is enlightening experiences of imagining and manifestation, and your "sons" are psychological features which search for God. In the New Testament they are "hunters" for God, which subsequently are made hunters for men. When in the right circumstance you will reach for God and grab him by his creative forces and not let go until he blesses you, and will become Israel -- God ruling Man. This is all "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" in Exodus 3: 14.)
You Comment: "You know from your study of Hebrews that Paul said Abraham and Sarah (and thus all of the Testament) are allegories. These are states. Being a "friend" of God means getting to know that we are one with Eil, the Shaddai. Discovering the reality of this fact gives way to Issac -- Laughter!!! From the joy of it! "I, this stupid little human imagination, am YHWH, the imagining of Eil, the Source and Provider of all!!!"
That, Ms. Appleby, is the good news. Not that Jesus Christ has come, but that you are him going where he has gone. You cannot fail! He has been the same forever: the Becoming One, and you can -- must learn to -- do as he does: imagine to cause blessing. That is why I so often promote Neville Goddard in my blog -- that is what he was all about. We do not disbelieve that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, we just believe that the flesh he comes in . . . is ours!"
My response: See what confusion even just a BIT of ‘stupid little human imagination’ got Neville and you into......imagining that the Good News is not that Jesus Christ has come, but that you are God!
(I do not actually have a problem with the Ineffable imagining that he is a man on the earth and so becoming one -- that is what we did, but if he came, it would be to tell me what I am telling you; that there is no division: EVERYTHING is God. Part of the confusion is thinking that prophecy is fortelling the future. It is speaking what God is. Yes, that has future consequences, because not everything is like God but will be. Some of the change involves turmoil.)
You state: "Foremost you want to become familiar with and Victor is the most convincing person I can direct you to inform you that you do not actually have the Bible. What you have is a fraud, a corrupted and much edited perversion of the scriptures. THAT is why you have the wrong gospel. You think that reality is dualistic, when in all actuality it is non-dual. You believe, because there it is right in Exodus 3: 14, that God's name is I AM THAT I AM -- that the Eternal is wholly other."
Hhhhhhmmmm....interesting....I wonder if the Bible C.H.Dodd had was a fraud, corrupted, etc.??????? You recommended him to me with the statement below:
"C.H. Dodd is recognized as one of the great New Testament scholars of the twentieth century. Dr. Dodd was for many years Professor of New Testament at Cambridge University. This book of three lectures was published by Harper and Row, 1964."
(That was in the web site I cut and pasted from. I thought you'd like to know he was highly regarded.)
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:42 AM
Continuation (last one)B.Appleby
You stated: "In my article I cited the learned Dr. C.H. Dodd's The Apostolic Preaching and Its Development. Did you read it? Get it. I am not kidding -- get it new or used or pdf ( It will absolutely be worth it. And whatever you do, READ IT!!! Especially chapter three. Here is just a little bit of it:
"C.H. Dodd is recognized as one of the great New Testament scholars of the twentieth century. Dr. Dodd was for many years Professor of New Testament at Cambridge University. This book of three lectures was published by Harper and Row, 1964."
From The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments, pages 62-64:"
(and a lot of his comments...then you state:)
So yes, you are correct, Paul never changed his view of WHO Jesus Christ is, but he changed his view of WHAT Jesus Christ is: "He" has become us, and we are included in Him!"
Response: If you are born again, confess with your mouth and believe in Him and all that He said and in what the Apostles taught and preached, which was that He was born of a virgin, suffered and died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father and that He will return...and that HE is will be a part of HIS Body, His church....however.....HE never and none of HIS Apostles ever taught or preached that “He” has become us, as you state.
(Yes, C. H. Dodd's Bible was as corrupt as everyone else's, but a lot of us KNOW the problems with the Bible and deal with them. Dr. Dodd knew Greek and Hebrew and I suspect Latin very well. I am sure he had access to any number of ancient texts, including the Aramaic (though he might not have weighed it as heavily as I do), as well as manuscripts you and I have never even heard of. No offense, but I would rather listen to him than you.
Regarding your response, I'm a forty-years tongue-speaking Pentecostal who believes all those things, but not like you imagine them. He died on the cross for our sins two thousand years ago? Haven't you read that he was crucified from the overthrow -- "foundation" -- of the earth? That was when he became us. He has always been what he is now: yesterday, today, and forever the power and wisdom of God Most High crucified for us; "crucified" in being us in the forgetfulness of who and what He is/we are, so that we can taste this dimension of death. It is given unto us once to die; no limit on the lives in this death until we accomplish our mission. But he is also risen back to the Father. THAT IS US, OUR PROMISE. The Father and Son are not two separate guys no matter how big you conceptualize them. They are one God of whom we distinguish his self "Father" from his emanation, the "sent" Son. But he makes no such distinction. He would say, "I am the one who goes"; and he has come as us.)
You state: We do not ignore contexts, we learn them so that we might grow. "Hear, O Israel, YHWH your God, YHWH is one!" (Deuteronomy 6: 4) means one thing if in your mind God is separate and divided from you, and something entirely different when you realize that the "one" that God is INCLUDES YOU!"
Response:GOD is GOD....He is not you, or me....There is one GOD...(3 in the Godhead - the Father/Son and Holy Spirit ) and He wants you to believe in HIM and to worship HIM and to have fellowship with HIM by believing the gospel message as presented in scriptures (both Old Testament and the Gospels) about JESUS CHRIST and His blood sacrifice on the cross.
(But why separate ourselves from Him? We can appreciate all these and worship ecstatically while being found IN HIM! Do ya'all have any concept of what oneness is? What part of 'in' do you not understand? You believe the Trinity are one. Extend the circle: you are IN Christ.)
Final and last one - it wouldn't let me post the whole thing all together.
You stated: "I found Thomas L. Thompson's The Mythic Past informative, as is Col. J. Garnier's The Worship of the Dead or the Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry and Its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia. They liked long titles back then.
You won't like that these books are written by arch-Pagans, but don't be afraid to read The Jesus Mysteries and Jesus and the Lost Goddess. They are very informative. Spoiler Alert: the "lost goddess" is our being included in God's oneness.
Then, to get your head straightened out, read Rabbi David A. Cooper's God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism and Rabbi Jeff Roth's Jewish Meditation Practices for Everyday Life. Remember the adage, "Roses are red, Violets are bluish, If it wasn't for Paul, We'd all be Jewish." Or something like that."
My response: I quote your own earlier words to you: “It took me close to forty years to understand that the "Devil" is the active and dynamic ignorance within our own spiritual selves.”
My response: That’s because you fed yourself a diet from ‘arch-Pagans’ in order to enhance your own spiritual self...and look where that’s got you!
(An enhanced spiritual self? I plan to annotate the above references and others in a later post. I take all with a grain of salt. I do not draw their conclusions, but use their input to judge and draw my own. Thompson and Garnier are probably over your head, anyway, and I don't think you could track the point through Freke and Gandy. Cooper, maybe. If you read it four or five times. Way up there on your reading list regardless of me should be C. F. Rehnborg's Jesus and the New Age of Faith. That and the book by Dodd every student of the Bible should read. BTW, it isn't New Age Faith; it is the New Age OF FAITH. There is no Devil, but there are many "ignoranced" people. Our collective ignorance is "the Devil." Have you read my posts about the flip? Pagans are just confused people like us looking at the same thing from another way. You should know that from Garnier.)
Dear Mr Steele
You state:“Pagans are just confused people like us looking at the same thing from another way.”
You may speak for yourself and others perhaps, but not for me, as I am not confused.
Whether you’re “a forty years tongue-speaking Pentecostal” or ‘a confirmed sacramental Catholic’ or a ‘highly educated theologian’ or a ‘popular, acclaimed author’ is totally irrelevant to the issue at hand – that being – your attempt of promoting a different gospel.
Your claim of having the true gospel falls short of the mark, as it is based in ‘human wisdom’ –(led by the spirit of this world) - by first attempting to denigrate scripture and then by appealing to the most basic human weakness – pride. (ego, power, self) Sound familiar???
I shall leave you to it.
You have heard the true gospel message and you have chosen another path.
My sincere hope and prayer for you is that by His mercy and grace, that He will reveal to you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, HIS truth, HIS love, and HIS glory - so that you will truly be set free from the confusion you speak of and finally experience the peace that you are so desperately seeking.
Philippians 2:5 – 11
5/Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6/who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,7/ but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men 8/And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.9/Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10/that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth, and of those under the earth. 11/and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 4: 6 – 7
6/Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7/ and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
(*Note - can't use the Google thing - but it's me - B. Appleby - not 'anonymous')
Anonymous, at 10:21 AM
Ms Appleby,
Thank you for your thoughts. I wish you well.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 5:17 PM
Hey, Bonnie, a bonus round:
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:04 AM
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