The Becoming God

Saturday, July 02, 2016

The Story of Jesus: Why Victor Alexander's Movie is Essential

Studying the Bible has made me an entirely different person. Everyone I know who has studied the Bible has become an entirely different person. And blessed, too. Because the one thing you discover when you study the Bible is that your Bible is wrong, and you, in fact, "don't know nuthin'."

I cannot tell you how much I learned when I was trying to correct my Bible. The Massorah, the margin notes that surround the text in the Hebrew scrolls, indeed hedge the scriptures by documenting their many editing changes and errors; but when the translators translated the Hebrew text into English, they did so without referencing the Massorah, thus translating into the English version the thousands of errors, editings and changes the Massorah was protecting against! And as the translators were not native Hebrew speakers, they didn't thoroughly understand the language and mistranslated many words, ideas, and concepts, often guessing and choosing for meanings those which fit their preconceived doctrines.

The Bible we have is NOTHING like the real one. Which is why I love my Companion Bible. The companion column and appendixes provide an entirely different version of the Bible from the King James Version in the main column, in which (the companion column) I first got a glimpse of the true meaning of the Bible.

In ever looking to correct my understanding of the Bible, I discovered the Aramaic version. A friend advised me of the exegeses parallel BIBLE by Herb Jahn, which I procured along with his Aramaic New Testament. I then discovered Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic.  Now, if you look at what was happening, I was getting ever closer to what the original Bible was, and to what the original authors MEANT. My world view was changing. I could mention Neville Goddard and the great influence he has been in my understand what the Bible is really about, but I won't.

Change comes from people discovering that the Bible they have is wrong. I know all about the inspiration of the scriptures and how God has protected it from error, but the standard Bible available to people isn't it! "Oh. This one isn't it? If my Bible isn't the right one, then what I am believing on?" Thus the search begins: the search for more reliable texts, wrestling with words' meanings and authors' intents. A person studying the Bible is good because he or she doesn't have time to get into shenanigans. That's not true, but it is true that discovering their Bible is in error may motivate people to begin studying what the Bible actually says and what it MEANS by what it says.

THAT is why I enthusiastically endorse Victor Alexander's The Story of Jesus movie project. If he can accurately present the ancient Aramaic Eashoa Msheekha of the scriptures, it will be a major accomplishment! Imagine thousands of movie goers wondering, "Where'd that come from? Why doesn't my Bible say that? What am I believing? Is mine what the Bible actually says, or what someone wanted it to say?"

I know Alexander does not agree with my "esoteric" Christian interpretation. It doesn't matter. He is a Christian warrior who has vowed to present the ancient Aramaic Jesus, Eashoa Msheekha, to the world. This other worldview will induce a revisit to the scriptures by countless thousands. "Oh, my Bible has been corrupted, edited, changed. I've been the victim of fraud! Let me read the real scriptures and see where that takes me." The idea of the real Jesus Christ changed a small group of men and women two thousand years ago, and it turned the world upside down. Here is the chance to change the worldviews tens of THOUSANDS. Hold onto your seat.

Alexander needs help. He's got to sell his movies and pre-sell this movie at the American Film Market the first week of this coming November. That means more than setting up a booth and handing out fliers. Up front, he says he needs $5,500US. That will help put him in position to find funding for the $50 million he needs for film's budget. Yeah, it costs that much to make a movie that will change the world for years to come, which is what this movie will do if Alexander gets the help he needs. I do not know how rubles or rupees translate in PayPal, but if any American wants to help God accomplish what He is doing in this day, here is one of His heavy-hitters who could use your hand:

Victor Alexander's main web site:
Link to Story of Jesus fund raising campaign:  (I could not open it on Firefox, but it did open on Chrome -- my computer is getting too old, still xp!).

If you can't afford a thousand, can you give ten? If you can afford a thousand, can you give ten? This movie will move mountains God wants moved!


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