The Becoming God

Monday, July 04, 2016

Exodus 3: 14 Yields Still Another Alternative: Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh = Salvation, Commitment, Baptism With the Holy Spirit

I was not expecting this. I've got Moses desiring more of Jethro, God's abundance/blessings, and hearing from God that the way to receive them is Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh: Intention, Imagination, and Belief/Faith. Cool. The Bible was intended by Moses to be a Success Manual, a How-to on prayer.

Not far afield of this, I happened to read in Charles and Francis Hunter's book The Two Sides of a Coin on page 10, "Salvation plus commitment plus baptism equals victory in Jesus!" I immediately recognized that salvation is what Jethro and YHWH are to us. God is our Salvation. He would have Moses say, "Salvation has sent me to you." Salvation is his intent to come, his commitment fills his imagination, and the baptism with the Holy Spirit is his coming.

A success manual? Yes. How to pray for blessings? Yes. The way to eternal life? Yes. Is this in Exodus 3: 14's Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh? I am not going to say that it isn't! Sure as shootin', you are not going to get anywhere spiritually until you accept God's salvation in Jesus Christ who is YHWH, repent of your sins and commit your way unto him, and receive from him who is in you the baptism in the Holy Spirit. All this is done in you by him who is as you. And this is FOR you. But you have to take the lead to ACCEPT his salvation, REPENT of your sins, COMMIT yourself to him, and RECEIVE the Holy Spirit. In doing this successfully you will enter an ecstasy of receiving his forgiveness and the infilling of the Holy Spirit welling up through the bowels. Don't try to control it -- control is what you've just given up.

Wouldn't it be funny if the Bible actually started with -- was started because of -- Moses' baptism in the Holy Spirit, and that that was what "I AM THAT I AM" was about this whole time?


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