The Becoming God

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Breakthrough in Attitude May Lead to a Return to Youth, Vigor


I had a breakthrough yesterday.

This is a page from a book that I am writing and this particular excerpt is from a breakthrough that I had yesterday.

This is the story that I thought that I would never write. I didn't ever think that I would come to full acceptance of the fact that I am currently experiencing a disability. I still don't think that is a good idea to put negative things after the words I am because I feel is this it's an experience that I am having but I don't want to put the word disabled after the words I am because that isn't who I am. During the course of writing this book I finally felt total acceptance regarding my current experience. Yesterday I had a Reiki level 2 class and it was very intense. We meditated, I learned my lessons and did everything that I was supposed to do to achieve Reiki level 2. When the class was over, I had dinner with my husband then he began to clean up the room and wash dishes.
Then it was time for me to go back and get ready for bed. Upon arriving at my bedroom door (yes it was that dramatic) overwhelming questions kept going through my head. And one question was, how do I feel whole consistently when there is still another part of me that keeps telling me that I should just accept where I am and forget about everything else? My problem with accepting is that I thought that somehow it would completely render me totally and unequivocally lazy. That was my fear.

My husband and I engaged in the lengthiest conversation about acceptance and loving myself and being who I am without giving in to my current experience. I am so motivated by the feeling of acceptance and not fighting against my current experience that I totally just released all of the remaining vestiges of negativity that I had toward's the word 'disabled'. If you've been reading the book earlier on I wrote about how this is an experience that I am having, and yes, society labels me in the category of disabled, or women, or black, but none of those labels are who I am. I am one with God made in the image and likeness of God and everything that God made is good that is who I am. What this body is experiencing which is paralysis or the medical term is spinal cord injury doesn't define who I am on the inside. This experience doesn't define my thoughts unless I allow it to define my thoughts. This disability doesn't define my beliefs unless I allow it to define my beliefs.

Even as I am writing this I realize that the word disabled isn't negative; it's just an adjective that describes my physical condition. I am the one who decided that to say I was disabled or a person with a disability was somehow negative and I can't even begin to tell you how I came to view it as negative. Disabled isn't a negative word, it was my thinking about myself that caused me to put it in its own category the same as society putting me into a category. Right at this very moment I have never felt more free, free from my own prison designed by my mind and my thinking. I hope this helps someone to realize that they do not have to wait until they become perfect not even in their own eyes before they can begin their journey of being doing having the kind of experiences that they want to experience in their life.
I AM alright. I AM #SpiritualAffirmation



Neville encountered a number of people who had "passed," i.e., died, who had been restored as essentially the same persons in other lives "about twenty years old." It became a doctrine with him that when a person dies, he or she is immediately restored to another life in a physical/terrestrial existence as a person about twenty years old. This really puzzled me -- where's kids? I was a kid. There are kids. How can we all be restored here or anywhere starting as a twenty year old? (This isn't our first dance here.)

Well, now I am sixty-six, and I find that I am still about twenty years old inside. I remember being a kid, and the 'me' inside of me was about twenty years old when I was a kid, too. I was just dumber. But the essential 'me', this imagination perspective experiencer, is always that same dumb kid, hopefully a little bit smarter now (my wife would disagree). Yes, we have bodies, our "spouse" for better or for worse, but the inner consciousness is present almost as a victim of circumstance. "What am I doing here?"

You might want to pray for your body as another entity altogether. It is the one suffering, and it can't argue with societal labels like you can. May I suggest you pray for it to be restored as Sarah was restored "returned" to Abraham? I am going to cut-and-paste the story from Alexander's translation of Genesis from the ancient Aramaic (

Genesis 17

1. And Abram reached the age of ninety-nine and the Lord revealed Himself to Abram and said to him, "I am* the Eil, the Almighty.* Worship before me and be without fault.
2. "And I shall make my covenant* between me and for you, and I shall enrich you exceedingly."*
15. And God said to Abraham, "Sarai, your wife, her name shall not be called Sarai, because her name is Sarah.
16. "And I bless her and also I shall give you a son from her, and I shall bless him and he shall be the progenitor of nations, and kings of the nations shall be from him."
17. And Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and he said in his heart, "After a hundred years a son is born? And Sarah, after ninety years will bear a child?"
19. And God said to Abraham, "Truly, your wife Sarah will give birth to a child for you, and you shall call him Isaac, and I shall make my covenant* with him to [the end of] the universe, and with his offspring after him.
21. "And my covenant I shall make with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear for you, in this lifetime,* in another year."
1. And the Lord revealed Himself to him while he was at the Chestnut of Mamre, as he sat in the entrance of his abode, when the Day became hot. (And you were out taking in the sun.)
9. And they said to him, "Where is that Sarah, your wife?" And he said, "Behold, here at home."
10. And he told him. "She will truly return to you,* as she is alive in this season, and Sarah your wife shall conceive a son," and Sarah was listening at the door of the abode, she was behind it.
11. Abraham and Sarah were old and aged in years,* and Sarah was beyond the age of child bearing women.*
12. And Sarah laughed in her heart and said, "After being all worn out, I will become young again, but will my husband remain an old man?"*
13. And the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Truly, could I bear a child in my old age?'
14. "Is that too great a feat for the Lord? That she return to you in this season revitalized* and a son is born to your wife Sarah?"
15. And Sarah blasphemed and said, "I did not laugh,* it is because I was scared;" and He said, "Do not laugh henceforth."

Sarah was made young again, so young and supple that Abimelech, king of Gadar, sought her for his own wife.

Genesis 20

1. Abraham had taken off from there and moved to the Southland and had settled as a result of his victory in Beth-Gadar. And so Abraham had lived in Gadar.
2. And Abraham had said regarding Sarah, "She is my sister." Abimelech, the king of Gadar, had sent for Sarah to be fetched.

Abimelech did not send for a ninety-year-old hag; he sent for a young, twenty-something babe. Your spinal cord can be made a babe again. Send for her.



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