Faulty Scriptures and a False God: How Western Theology Got So Far Afield From the Oneness of Early Judaism and Christianity, and the Interesting Twist in "Paganism"
One of these arrangements was the gods of the zodiac, the "Living Creatures" depicted by the constellations. Thousands of years ago, come springtime -- the beginning of life and resurrection from the "death" of winter -- the earth was ruled by the bull of the constellation Taurus. Hence golden calves, gods with bulls' heads, the master Ba'al, etc. This was all very neatly documented in the religions of astrological worship. But the very slow progression of the wobble of the earth's axis escaped the notice of the religionists, and over a period of about two thousand years the prevalent constellation at spring had become Aries.
"Wait. Say what?" Hipparchus said in 128 B.C. when he noticed that Taurus had been removed from its position of power and Aries had taken its place. He looked at his Idolater's bible, "Taurus rules spring." He looked at the stars, "Nope, it ain't there no more. SOMEONE HAS TAKEN THE BULL'S POWER AWAY FROM HIM!"
This had to be a really big god, a god outside the box, a super-duper Super God powerful enough to move the constellations and "slay" the bull. Hipparchus attributed this to Mithra. I don't know why, but he did, and the religion of Mithraism was born faster than you can say, "L. Ron Hubbard."
Also in that span of time from Moses to Hipparchus, the Jewish priests had been whittling away at notions of oneness in their scriptures. "He has become us to become his manifestation? Then everyone IS him! He is too great for that. And what will people pay us for if they find out that they are him and create their own worlds?" So the priests scrubbed the scriptures of references to oneness and anthropomorphisms that suggested that God has a literal body like, for instance, yours. The truth was hid away in the margins of the scrolls and the common man never heard but about "the Great I AM THAT I AM," the SEPARATE GOD who does not exist.
What the priests created was the perception of a super-duper Super God who stood above and separate from all creation. "Hey," the Mithra worshipers said when they heard about the God of Jesus, "That's our guy." So when the church spread into Europe, the Mithra organization took it over. They took the falsified, dualistic scriptures of the Jews without regard for the margin notes and, without really knowing the source language, MIStranslated the scriptures according to their own conceptual prejudices. Hence, the non-mystical Jews and Western Christians worship a dualistic God apart from themselves who does not exist. Call upon him as you might, he isn't there.
The church assures us the the Bible is infallible and inerrant in the original. Well, duh. Unfortunately, the scriptures they translate are not the original and the translations they make are not true even to these adulterated versions. Yes, I know about the Isaiah scroll. That is one book of inspired poetry, which even if unchanged is difficult to understand if you do not know the man we are nor the man we are becoming.
Ref. David Ulansey: http://www.mysterium.com/mithras.html
Interestingly, some people in that period of time caught on that Moses was talking about the power and wisdom of God being our salvation. The Greek name: Jesus Christ. These people came up with all sorts of explanations of how the power and the wisdom worked, but they perceived that the heart of the matter was the oneness of God
By the way, I still use the King James Version Companion Bible. But as one knows the King James is full of errors, he reads it lightly. I constantly self-correct to understanding it according to Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic and listen for the suggestions and insights from the Holy Spirit who gave the original. 'Taint a better teacher.
Yes - I agree in regards to Victor Alexander and his translation...And this header - "Faulty Scriptures and a False God: How Western Theology Got So Far Afield From the Oneness of Early Judaism and Christianity, and the Interesting Twist in "Paganism", as I've read his New Testament Disciples translation and have come to understand it uses idioms(that doesn't necessarily mean what we, think it means) and realized that when he suggests "It's not something that can be taught, nor learned - it has to be "realized".
Our problem as Westerners - is that we automatically utilize our ingrained western education,western mindset,western understanding of things using reality,common sense,logic). Bible scriptures are taught us by western Theologians,church leaders and Pastors,etc,and we therefore, them,that they are the experts and know what they're talking about,and we then think with our western education,western mindset and western understanding.
It's Oil and water - And can't gel!
To understand or come to "realize" The Disciples New Testament Bible translation by Vic Alexander,one needs to adopt a middle eastern mindset - as the ancient writers used idioms - "a way of expressing something,that doesn't necessarily mean what we think it does".
Our problem as Westerners - is that we automatically utilize our ingrained western education,western mindset,western understanding and reality,common sense,logic)- to translate those scripture. Because we are taught to put our trust in western Theologians,church leaders and Pastors,etc,and we then use our programmed western mindset and western understanding.
It's like Oil and water - It doesn't gel!
I don't agree with Alexander's stating Jesus is God the Father,and the Father is the Son.(he stated to me in an e-mail reply,that I have a strange understanding of who Jesus was/is) on the basis that when translated into English,my Western mindset suggests me,that related passage when translated into English,tells me Jesus is God-like,referred to "God" by God the Father God,on the Book of ecclesiates(?),under the authority of God,God is the Head of Christ,and he's answerable to him,through various scriptures in that same translation.
Also,that originally the Mesopotamian Ashur was a Human King-cum-legend-and myths emerged about him,and his name was a title used of God.Also that Mesopotamia was the first civilization,had the first Library, the first language etc when I found history says different.
cleversausage, at 11:07 PM
You will find very much reference in my blogs tho the oneness of God. There are various ways to understand the oneness. You, for instance, are the grown up cells of your mother and father. You are actually them; they can send you somewhere, and then they are there. Or, you might desire good for someone. Your blessing is you, and you send it. It is no less you when it is sent, and it is as effective as you are. The Most High imagined the world fully manifesting the principles and nature of Itself BEFORE there was anything. Then It moved to make all those things become manifest. Anything that does manifest is IT, the Most High becoming the End It envisioned, BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ANYTHING ELSE.
Take history with a grain of salt and remember that we were not there. Middle-eastern people all think that their language is sacred because it is the language God speaks. Their scriptures are their proof. We always misread scriptures because the proper names mean things that are not translated. Ancient human histories are used in scriptures CHANGED to illustrate what the authors wanted to express. Ashur might have been a human and legend, but what did he mean to the author’s audience as an illustrative value? Search John Garnier, The Worship of the Dead for some interesting reading. I think archive.org has it in pdf. Don’t download any viruses. Remember that Abraham was Assyrian. He is also an allegory Moses uses.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:47 AM
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