Response to Anonymous Criticism of "Neville Goddard and the Development of the Gospel from Mistake to Correct"
Said Anonymous:
"I just hope by now that you’ve been committed like the nut-job Neville Goddard should have been. How can any of you believe that garbage and interpret the Bible like you do with a straight face? You twist and turn it to however it feels good to you. I can only hope that your wife talked some sense into you, that is, if she hasn’t left you already. I’ll pray to the REAL God in Heaven for your soul."
I could reply snidely to Anonymous, but I see a jewel in his vitriol. He says, "How can any of you believe that garbage and interpret the Bible like you do with a straight face?" That is just the thing, Mr. Anonymous, that you do not understand: you do not have a Bible. I got onto this kick about twenty years ago CORRECTING MY BIBLE. You've got a study Bible, no? Are there not hundreds of margin notes in it correcting and explaining the text? My favorite is The Companion Bible edited by Ethelbert Bullinger. The margins are more than the columns of text. It is King James Version, which is known to have several hundreds of errors and mistranslations. When I read it, my mind automatically accounts for those errors and, with Bullinger's margin notes, corrects my reading.
As Bullinger notes in his Appendixes, the Hebrew text has been edited so that even an accurate translation still is not what was originally said (see, e.g., app. 30-33). The Sopherim changed it because they didn't like the original's theology! Taking some of Bullinger's observations to Strong's Concordance's Hebrew Dictionary and New Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance, I found that much of the Bible, though it says what it means, does not mean what it says. That is because we take what it says WRONGLY.
If you will read some books by Jews, you will find that they do not read the Bible like we do. I am talking about books by Rabbi David A. Cooper and Aryeh Kaplan. Come on, you've got a computer -- you e-mailed me. Look up Baal Shem Tov and search out what Jewish Rabbis say about the oneness of God. Their Bible is not your Bible. Their heads do not see the same things you see BECAUSE YOU HAVE GOT THE WRONG BIBLE. And you have a bunch of church doctrines you read the Bible by that are made up out of a bunch of fantasies based on a bunch of things that the Bible really does not say.
I can interpret the Bible like I do with a straight face because I am making the effort to find the real Bible and translate it and interpret it the way it was written and meant. I am not twisting and turning it; it is twisting and turning me!
Don't take my word for this. Victor Alexander happens to be a native speaker of modern Aramaic who studied ancient Aramaic and cuneiform writing, the basis for ancient Hebrew and the Aramaic of the first century Israel.
Says Alexander:
"It's mind boggling that there are so many variations in the Bible Text as translated. Aside from all the possible reasons why the Scriptures were mistranslated over a period of two thousand years, there is the unanswered question: how could so many translators have looked at the same verses and come up with totally different interpretations? There is this, that no one has mentioned before: the translators didn't know the original languages well enough, they didn't grasp the poetic elegance, they lacked translating skill, and the task of translating so much text overwhelmed them.
Also from Alexander:
So you see what I am saying, Anonymous, that you do not even have a real Bible? You have never even seen one. You may ardently believe the "bible" you have, but IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INSPIRED SCRIPTURES FROM REAL GOD IN HEAVEN that you are going to pray to for me (thank you very much, though, for the thought). Your concept of Him must be in error because the Bible you learn about Him from is nothing but error. THAT is why you should want to get a better version of the Bible and with it consider what the Rabbis and "nut-jobs" like Neville Goddard and I write so you can understand it. I hope you do not think I'm doing this for my health. At 3:40 AM?!
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