The Becoming God

Monday, February 22, 2016

James Says to Show God Mercy -- Be(!) Merciful God by Really Imagining

James, probably the first epistle written in the New Testament, tells us to show mercy to God. An odd thought? Not from a oneness perspective.

"9. The gentle brother or sister is uplifted in their exaltation, 10. And the wealthy in their humility, because like the flower of the herb they pass along. 11. For when the sun rises and dries the herb with its heat, its flower falls off and the beauty of its sight passes away, thus also the wealthy shall be struck by your warmth. 12. Blessed is the person who anticipates being tested; so as when they win, they receive the wreath of everlasting life, that which Allaha has promised those people who are merciful to Him" (James 1: 9-12, Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic).

Because if you believe God, are God's friend -- Av-ra-heim (Abraham), Allaha's Mercy (James 2: 23, Alexander. In God's oneness we are the Father, and the Father is Merciful. And everyone else is the Father, too.

"5. Listen, dear brethren, was it not those poor in worldly possessions and yet rich in faith that Allaha chose to be the heirs of the Kingdom, that which Allaha bequeathed to those who showed mercy to Him?" (James 2: 5, Alexander).

"12. Thus you shall speak and thus you shall vow, as people who are destined to be tried by the Law of Freedom. 13. For a judge has no mercy for the one who shows no mercy. You win the judge over with mercy" (James 2: 12-13, Alexander). To Him!

"27. For the pure and holy ministry before Allaha the Father is this, to [make a difference in the lives] of orphans and widows in their tribulations and to guard oneself from the world without malice . . . 8. And if you adhere to the Law of Allaha, you would do well, as is written [in Scriptures,] “Be merciful to your brothers and sisters* as though they were yourself.” (James 1: 27; 2: 8, Alexander). Because they are.

As I see it, "Him" is whom we are becoming by mastering how to imagine like Him, the Most High. "He" is the third person in Exodus 3: 14 in manifestation.

James was preaching Mosaic Christianity. The pre-flip, unignoranced Christ is here with the ignoranced, flipped-into-us Christ we actually are. I know that sounds weird, but God has become us by imagining. Now we are to reconcile to the nature and character of the Imaginer. We are to be doers of the Word spoken by the Most High, the Source of all, the "I" who is coming into manifestation by imagining, by actively imagining like It, not just saying/being of an opinion with our physical mouths, which I do not believe the Most High has. Our REAL mouth is our MIND. DO the imagining!

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